neo4j-graphql / neo4j-graphql-js

NOTE: This project is no longer actively maintained. Please consider using the official Neo4j GraphQL Library (linked in README).
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Use variable number of parameters inside of @cypher directive statement with mutation #434

Open inf3rnus opened 4 years ago

inf3rnus commented 4 years ago

Hi again, is it possible to use only a subset of all of the arguments you pass into a @cypher directive mutation?

I can't seem to get this to work without putting in all of the arguments in to match the parameters in the cypher statement.

Is there a way to default values to null or something of that effect?


type Mutation { mergeThing( id: ID title: String, description: String ): Thing @cypher( statement: """ MERGE (thing: Thing {title: $title, description: $description}) ON CREATE SET = apoc.create.uuid() RETURN thing """ )

imkleats commented 4 years ago

Have you tried doing something like this?

input ThingInput {
  id: ID
  title: String
  description: String

type Mutation {
  mergeThing(payload: ThingInput!): Thing @cypher(
    statement: """
      MERGE (thing:Thing $payload)
      ON CREATE SET = apoc.create,uuid()
      RETURN thing

Haven't had a chance to verify how the composite GraphQL argument is stored/provided as a parameter to the cypher query, but it looks like you should be able to use the parameter in place of the literal map for node merging ( This seems like it would include only the attributes that are supplied in your payload.

johnymontana commented 4 years ago

Yes, ^^^ this should work. I'll make an issue to include an example of input type argument in the cos.

michaeldgraham commented 3 years ago