Open alexluna7 opened 4 years ago
Hi @alexluna7 can you please share the relevant bits of your GraphQL type defintions, including the @cypher
schema directive and the GraphQL query that produces the error so we can try to replicate the problem>
@johnymontana - I've also ran in this bug using the following GraphQL typedefs:
interface Entity {
name: String!
type Place implements Entity {
name: String!
visitors: [Visited]
type Person implements Entity {
name: String!
visited: [Visited]
type Visited @relation(name: "VISITED") {
from: Person
to: Place
# List of sentence IDs which include this action
sentences: [String]
type Sentence {
id: String!
relations: [EntEntRel] @cypher(statement:"""
MATCH (source:Entity)-[r]->(target:Entity)
WHERE size([x IN r.sentences WHERE x = ]) > 0
.*, type: type(r),
source: (source { .*, FRAGMENT_TYPE: head([ x IN labels(source) WHERE x <> 'Entity' ]) } ),
target: (target { .*, FRAGMENT_TYPE: head([ x IN labels(target) WHERE x <> 'Entity' ]) } )
# Fake type artificially constructed by cypher query
type EntEntRel {
type: String!
source: Entity
target: Entity
sentence: [String]
The following GraphQL query produces the error:
query {
Sentence {
relations {
source { name }
target { name }
Using DEBUG=neo4j-graphql-js
shows that the generated Cypher query is:
MATCH (`sentence`:`Sentence`) RETURN `sentence` { .id ,relations: [ sentence_relations IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn("MATCH (source:Entity)-[r]->(target:Entity)
WHERE size([x IN r.sentences WHERE x = ]) > 0
.*, type: type(r),
source: (source { .*, FRAGMENT_TYPE: head([ x IN labels(source) WHERE x <> 'Entity' ]) } ),
target: (target { .*, FRAGMENT_TYPE: head([ x IN labels(target) WHERE x <> 'Entity' ]) } )
}", {this: sentence}, true) | sentence_relations { undefined }] } AS `sentence`
I've managed to track down the cause of this bug to the variable subQuery
being undefined on this line:
Updating the line from:
mapProjection = `${safeVariableName} {${subQuery}}`;
mapProjection = `${safeVariableName} {${subQuery || ' .* '}}`;
causes the graphql query to work as expected - but I don't know if this an acceptable fix (I don't have context on how this repo works to know why subQuery
is undefined here
Hi @alexluna7 can you please share the relevant bits of your GraphQL type defintions, including the
schema directive and the GraphQL query that produces the error so we can try to replicate the problem>
@johnymontana You will find below the requested details:
The following mutations correspond to the node console output in my first post, the 1 is SetupLanguage and the 2 is SetupCountry.
extend type Mutation { SetupLanguage(input: [LanguageInput!]!): [LanguageResponse!]! @cypher( statement: """ WITH $input as input FOREACH (language IN input | MERGE (l:Language{code:language.code}) FOREACH (name IN | MERGE (nl:Language{code:name.language}) MERGE (l)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl) ON CREATE SET SET t.text=name.text ) FOREACH (root IN language.root | MERGE (r:Language{code:root.code}) MERGE (l)-[:ROOT_LANGUAGE]->(r) ) ) WITH input UNWIND input AS language MATCH (l:Language{code:language.code})-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl:Language) OPTIONAL MATCH (l)-[:ROOT_LANGUAGE]->(r:Language) RETURN l { .code, name: t { .id, language: nl.code, .text }, root: r.code } AS languageResponse """ ) SetupCountry(input: [CountryInput!]!): [CountryResponse!]! @cypher( statement: """ WITH $input as input MERGE (r:Root) ON CREATE SET FOREACH (country IN input | MERGE (c:Country{code:country.code}) FOREACH (name IN | MERGE (l:Language{code:name.language}) MERGE (c)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(l) ON CREATE SET SET t.text=name.text ) FOREACH (nid IN country.nid | MERGE (c)-[:HAS_NID{code:nid.code}]->(comp:Component)-[:CURRENT]->(ver:Version:Unique)-[:VERSION_OF]->(comp) ON CREATE SET, SET comp.alias=nid.code MERGE (comp)<-[:IS_AUTHOR]-(r) FOREACH (nname IN | MERGE (nl:Language{code:nname.language}) MERGE (comp)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(nt:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl) ON CREATE SET SET nt.text=nname.text ) ) FOREACH (official IN country.official | MERGE (ol:Language{code:official.code}) MERGE (c)-[:OFFICIAL_LANGUAGE]->(ol) ) FOREACH (supported IN country.supported | MERGE (sl:Language{code:supported.code}) MERGE (c)-[:SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE]->(sl) ) ) WITH input UNWIND input AS country MATCH (c:Country{code:country.code}) RETURN c { .code, name: [(c)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(l:Language) | t { .id, language: l.code, .text }], nid: [(c)-[rel:HAS_NID]->(comp:Component)-[:CURRENT]->(ver:Version:Unique) | rel { .code, name: [(comp)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(l:Language) | t { .id, language: l.code, .text }], component: comp { .id, .alias, type: 'Unique', current:, author: [(comp)<-[:IS_AUTHOR]-(a) | ]} }], official: [(c)-[OFFICIAL_LANGUAGE]->(l:Language)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl:Language) | l { .code, name: t { .id, language: nl.code, .text }, root: r.code }], supported: [(c)-[SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE]->(l:Language)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl:Language) | l { .code, name: t { .id, language: nl.code, .text }, root: r.code }] } AS countryResponse """ ) }
And these are all the type definitions related to these mutations:
type Translation { id: ID! language: Language! @relation(name: "IN_LANGUAGE", direction: "OUT") text: String! }
input TranslationInput { language: String! text: String! }
type TranslationResponse { id: ID! language: String! text: String! }
type Language { code: String! name: [Translation!]! @relation(name: "NAME_TRANSLATION", direction: "OUT") root: [Language!] @relation(name: "ROOT_LANGUAGE", direction: "OUT") official: [Country!] @relation(name: "OFFICIAL_LANGUAGE", direction: "IN") supported: [Country!] @relation(name: "SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE", direction: "IN") translations: [Translation!] @relation(name: "IN_LANGUAGE", direction: "IN") }
input LanguageInput { code: String! name: [TranslationInput!]! root: LanguageInput }
type LanguageResponse { code: String! name: [TranslationResponse!]! root: String }
input LanguageNameTranslationInput { code: String! language: String! name: String! }
type Country { code: String! name: [Translation!]! @relation(name: "NAME_TRANSLATION", direction: "OUT") nid: [Component!]! @relation(name: "HAS_NID", direction: "OUT") official: [Language!]! @relation(name: "OFFICIAL_LANGUAGE", direction: "OUT") supported: [Language!] @relation(name: "SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE", direction: "OUT") }
type HasNid @relation(name: "HAS_NID") { code: String! }
input NidInput { code: String! name: [TranslationInput!]! }
type NidResponse { code: String! name: [TranslationResponse!]! component: ComponentResponse! }
input CountryInput { code: String! name: [TranslationInput!]! nid: [NidInput!]! official: [LanguageInput!]! supported: [LanguageInput!] }
type CountryResponse { code: String! name: [TranslationResponse]! nid: [NidResponse!]! official: [LanguageResponse!]! supported: [LanguageResponse!] }
Let me know if you need anything else.
I've ran into this issue again, with a different minimal example, which you can find here:
Hi @johnymontana, were you able to reproduce the undefined issue or do you need additional data?
As I'm hitting this issue multiple times while working in my project, I've tried to create a very simple scenario to reproduce it. However, I've ended up hitting a different error, which I will reproduce below. I believe that both issues may, somewhat, be connected. It seems to me that neo4j-graphql-js, in some scenarios, doesn't deal well when a @cypher query/mutation has a field that returns an object (therefore a subquery).
As an additional information, I've tried @jnterry code fix suggestion above, but making the change in the dist code installed by npm (version 2.16.0), and it works in the case where I was getting the undefined error.
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or what I can do to help you go through this issue.
GraphQL schema:
The nidData and nidConfigData fields are there only to help exploring the issue, my use case is more complex than that.
` type UTCountry { code: String! @id name: String! nationalID: UTNid! @relation(name: "UT_HAS_NID", direction: "OUT") nidData: UTNid! @cypher( statement: """ MATCH (this)-[:UT_HAS_NID]->(n:UTNid)-[:UT_NID_CONFIG]->(c:UTConfig) RETURN n { .code, .name, config: c} AS UTNid """ ) nidConfigData: UTConfig @cypher( statement: """ MATCH (this)-[:UT_HAS_NID]->(n:UTNid)-[:UT_NID_CONFIG]->(c:UTConfig) RETURN c AS UTConfig """ ) }
type UTNid { code: String! @id name: String! config: UTConfig @relation(name: "UT_NID_CONFIG", direction: "OUT") }
type UTConfig { id: ID! @id required: Boolean! min: Int max: Int length: Int regexp: String } `
First playground query with result:
` { UTCountry { nidData { code name config { id required min max length regexp } } } }
"errors": [
"message": "Expected to find a node at 'uTCountry_nidData' but found Map{name -> String(\"CPF\"), code -> String(\"BR_cpf\"), config -> (18)} instead",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"exception": {
"code": "Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError",
"name": "Neo4jError",
"stacktrace": [
"Neo4jError: Expected to find a node at 'uTCountry_nidData' but found Map{name -> String(\"CPF\"), code -> String(\"BR_cpf\"), config -> (18)} instead",
": ",
" at captureStacktrace (/home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/result.js:263:15)",
" at new Result (/home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/result.js:68:19)",
" at newCompletedResult (/home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:449:10)",
" at (/home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:287:14)",
" at (/home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:123:32)",
" at /home/app/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/index.js:192:25",
" at TransactionExecutor._safeExecuteTransactionWork (/home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/internal/transaction-executor.js:134:22)",
" at TransactionExecutor._executeTransactionInsidePromise (/home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/internal/transaction-executor.js:122:32)",
" at /home/app/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/internal/transaction-executor.js:61:15",
" at new Promise (
The first query cypher code from neo4j-graphql-js as outputted in node's console:
neo4j-graphql-js MATCH (
uTCountry{nidData: head([ uTCountry_nidData IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn("MATCH (this)-[:UT_HAS_NID]->(n:UTNid)-[:UT_NID_CONFIG]->(c:UTConfig) RETURN n { .code, .name, config: c} AS UTNid", {this: uTCountry}, true) | uTCountry_nidData { .code , .name ,config: head([(
UTConfig) |
uTCountry_nidData_config{ .id , .required , .min , .max , .length , .regexp }]) }]) } AS
uTCountry+0ms neo4j-graphql-js { "offset": 0, "first": -1 } +7ms
The first query result when run from cypher-shell:
` neo4j@neo4j> MATCH (this:UTCountry{code:$country}) MATCH (this)-[:UT_HAS_NID]->(n:UTNid)-[:UT_NID_CONFIG]->(c:UTConfig) RETURN n { .code, .name, config: c} AS UTNid ; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UTNid | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | {name: "CPF", code: "BR_cpf", config: (:UTConfig {length: 11.0, regexp: "([0-9]{11})", id: "59059aec-9936-4dfc-be51-0f2e154aede2", required: TRUE})} | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1 row available after 44 ms, consumed after another 1 ms `
Second playground query with result:
` { UTCountry { nidConfigData { id required min max length regexp } } }
{ "data": { "UTCountry": [ { "nidConfigData": { "id": "59059aec-9936-4dfc-be51-0f2e154aede2", "required": true, "min": null, "max": null, "length": 11, "regexp": "([0-9]{11})" } } ] } } `
The second query cypher code from neo4j-graphql-js as outputted in node's console:
neo4j-graphql-js MATCH (
uTCountry{nidConfigData: head([ uTCountry_nidConfigData IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn("MATCH (this)-[:UT_HAS_NID]->(n:UTNid)-[:UT_NID_CONFIG]->(c:UTConfig) RETURN c AS UTConfig", {this: uTCountry}, true) | uTCountry_nidConfigData { .id , .required , .min , .max , .length , .regexp }]) } AS
uTCountry+1h neo4j-graphql-js { "offset": 0, "first": -1 } +1ms
The second query result when run from cypher-shell:
` neo4j@neo4j> MATCH (this:UTCountry{code:$country}) MATCH (this)-[:UT_HAS_NID]->(n:UTNid)-[:UT_NID_CONFIG]->(c:UTConfig) RETURN c AS UTConfig ; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UTConfig | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (:UTConfig {length: 11.0, regexp: "([0-9]{11})", id: "59059aec-9936-4dfc-be51-0f2e154aede2", required: TRUE}) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1 row available after 88 ms, consumed after another 1 ms `
The following issue may be connected as well:
Anything new about this ?
Hitting this error on the following toy example that attempts to return node-links style data:
CREATE (a:Node {id: "Alice"}), (b:Node {id: "Bob"}), (c:Node {id: "Carol"}), (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b), (b)-[:KNOWS]->(c);
type NodeObject {
id: ID!
type LinkObject {
source: ID!
target: ID!
type DaveGraph {
nodes: [NodeObject]
links: [LinkObject]
type Query {
daveGraph: DaveGraph @cypher(
statement: """
MATCH (n), (a)-[r]->(b)
WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT n) AS nodes, COLLECT(DISTINCT {source:, target:}) AS links
nodes: nodes,
links: links
Example query:
daveGraph {
nodes {
links {
Here's the error:
"errors": [
"message": "Variable `undefined` not defined (line 6, column 92 (offset: 283))\n\"}\", {offset:$offset, first:$first}, True) AS x UNWIND x AS `daveGraph` RETURN `daveGraph` {undefined} AS `daveGraph`\"\n ^",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"exception": {
"code": "Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError",
"name": "Neo4jError",
"stacktrace": [
"Neo4jError: Variable `undefined` not defined (line 6, column 92 (offset: 283))",
"\"}\", {offset:$offset, first:$first}, True) AS x UNWIND x AS `daveGraph` RETURN `daveGraph` {undefined} AS `daveGraph`\"",
" ^",
" at captureStacktrace (/home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/result.js:275:15)",
" at new Result (/home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/result.js:66:19)",
" at newCompletedResult (/home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:446:10)",
" at (/home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:285:14)",
" at (/home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:121:32)",
" at /home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/index.js:190:25",
" at TransactionExecutor._safeExecuteTransactionWork (/home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/internal/transaction-executor.js:132:22)",
" at TransactionExecutor._executeTransactionInsidePromise (/home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/internal/transaction-executor.js:120:32)",
" at /home/amoe/dev/lysander-graphql-server/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/internal/transaction-executor.js:59:15",
" at new Promise (<anonymous>)"
"data": {
"daveGraph": null
I have two mutations in GraphQL using @cypher custom code that are enclosed by additional code cypher code from neo4-graphql-js that is adding an {undefined} map to the final RETURN clause leading to an error.
When I run the same code (my part) directly in cypher-shell it runs smoothly.
Below is the output of node's console for both mutations:
1. neo4j-graphql-js CALL apoc.cypher.doIt("WITH $input as input FOREACH (language IN input | MERGE (l:Language{code:language.code}) FOREACH (name IN | MERGE (nl:Language{code:name.language}) MERGE (l)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl) ON CREATE SET SET t.text=name.text ) FOREACH (root IN language.root | MERGE (r:Language{code:root.code}) MERGE (l)-[:ROOT_LANGUAGE]->(r) ) ) WITH input UNWIND input AS language MATCH (l:Language{code:language.code})-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl:Language) OPTIONAL MATCH (l)-[:ROOT_LANGUAGE]->(r:Language) RETURN l", {input:$input, first:$first, offset:$offset}) YIELD value WITH, [keys(value)[0]])[0] AS
{undefined} ASlanguagePayload
+0ms2. neo4j-graphql-js CALL apoc.cypher.doIt("WITH $input as input MERGE (r:Root) ON CREATE SET FOREACH (country IN input | MERGE (c:Country{code:country.code}) FOREACH (name IN | MERGE (l:Language{code:name.language}) MERGE (c)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(t:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(l) ON CREATE SET SET t.text=name.text ) FOREACH (nid IN country.nid | MERGE (c)-[:HAS_NID{code:nid.code}]->(comp:Component)-[:CURRENT]->(ver:Version:Unique)-[:VERSION_OF]->(comp) ON CREATE SET, MERGE (comp)<-[:IS_AUTHOR]-(r) FOREACH (nname IN | MERGE (nl:Language{code:nname.language}) MERGE (comp)-[:NAME_TRANSLATION]->(nt:Translation)-[:IN_LANGUAGE]->(nl) ON CREATE SET SET nt.text=nname.text ) ) FOREACH (official IN country.official | MERGE (ol:Language{code:official.code}) MERGE (c)-[:OFFICIAL_LANGUAGE]->(ol) ) FOREACH (supported IN country.supported | MERGE (sl:Language{code:supported.code}) MERGE (c)-[:SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE]->(sl) ) ) WITH input UNWIND input AS country MATCH (c:Country{code:country.code}) RETURN c", {input:$input, first:$first, offset:$offset}) YIELD value WITH, [keys(value)[0]])[0] AS
{undefined} AScountryPayload
+159msIs this a bug?