neo4j-graphql / neo4j-graphql-js

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Sorting only works on returned fields #512

Open taseroth opened 4 years ago

taseroth commented 4 years ago

It looks like the orderBy only works on returned values. The following query:

  GetUser(filter: {screenName: "taseroth"}) {
    posts(first: 20, orderBy: createdAt_desc) {
      retweets {
        users {

produces the following cypher error:

"Invalid input '}': expected whitespace, comment, literal entry, property selector, variable selector or all properties selector (line 1, column 524 (offset: 523))\n\"MATCH (`user`:`User`) WHERE (`user`.screenName = $filter.screenName) RETURN `user` {posts: [sortedElement IN apoc.coll.sortMulti([(`user`)-[:`POSTS`]->(`user_posts`:`Tweet`) | `user_posts` {retweets: [(`user_posts`)-[:`RETWEETS`]->(`user_posts_retweets`:`Tweet`) | `user_posts_retweets` {users: [(`user_posts_retweets`)<-[:`POSTS`]-(`user_posts_retweets_users`:`User`) | `user_posts_retweets_users` { .name , .screenName }] }] , .isRetweet , .retweetCount , .favoriteCount , .text }], ['createdAt']) | sortedElement { .*,  }][..20] } AS `user`\"\n 

For reverence, this is the schema (wip):

type User {
   _id: Long!
   createdAt: LocalDateTime
   description: String
   followersCount: Int
   friendsCount: Int
   id: String!
   isProtected: Boolean
   location: String
   name: String
   profileImageURL: String
   screenName: String!
   tweetCount: Int
   verified: Boolean
   posts: [Tweet] @relation(name: "POSTS", direction: OUT)
   follows: [User] @relation(name: "FOLLOWS", direction: OUT)
   tweets: [Tweet] @relation(name: "MENTIONED", direction: IN)
   top10Hashtags: [String] @cypher(statement: """
   match p=((this)-[:POSTS]->(:Tweet)<-[*1..2]-(h:Hashtag)) with as hastag, count(p) as cnt order by cnt desc limit 10
   return collect(hastag)

type Hashtag {
   _id: Long!
   name: String!
   tags: [Tweet] @relation(name: "TAGS", direction: OUT)

type Link {
   _id: Long!
   errorCode: Int
   errorMessage: String
   url: String!
   links_to: [Url] @relation(name: "LINKS_TO", direction: OUT)
   tweets: [Tweet] @relation(name: "CONTAINS", direction: IN)

type Url {
   _id: Long!
   url: String!
   part_of: [Site] @relation(name: "PART_OF", direction: OUT)
   links: [Link] @relation(name: "LINKS_TO", direction: IN)

type Site {
   _id: Long!
   name: String!
   urls: [Url] @relation(name: "PART_OF", direction: IN)

type Tweet  {
   _id: Long!
   createdAt: LocalDateTime
   favoriteCount: Int
   id: Int!
   isRetweet: Boolean
   lang: String
   retweetCount: Int
   text: String
   mentioned: [User] @relation(name: "MENTIONED", direction: OUT)
   reply_to: [Tweet] @relation(name: "REPLY_TO", direction: OUT)
   contains: [Link] @relation(name: "CONTAINS", direction: OUT)
   retweets: [Tweet] @relation(name: "RETWEETS", direction: OUT)
   quotes: [Tweet] @relation(name: "QUOTES", direction: OUT)
   users: [User] @relation(name: "POSTS", direction: IN)
   hashtags: [Hashtag] @relation(name: "TAGS", direction: IN)

type Query {
   GetUser: [User]
   GetHashtag: [Hashtag]
michaeldgraham commented 4 years ago

Hey there @taseroth, I think this should be fixed in the most recent version, as of a few pull requests ago, so I have to ask - what version are you currently using?

taseroth commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I should check github more often. I used it in

so 2.16.3 I guess.

I can try again if you like

michaeldgraham commented 3 years ago