neo4j-graphql / neo4j-graphql-js

NOTE: This project is no longer actively maintained. Please consider using the official Neo4j GraphQL Library (linked in README).
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Cannot satisfy union type result with Map rather than Node #588

Open amoe opened 3 years ago

amoe commented 3 years ago

Hi, I want to satisfy a union type with a Map. Regular types can be satisfied with maps without any problem, but when a union is involved, an error Expected a Node, got: Map is thrown. I tested satisfying the union with an actual Node, which works as expected. In this example that won't work because the identifier properties in the DB have different names: one uses id for its identifier and one uses name, but when they come out of GraphQL, the identifier should be id in both cases, hence using a Map to rename them.

Sample data:

CREATE (p:Person {id: "foo", gender: "M"}),
       (c:Circuit {name: "bar", size: 32}),

Sample query:

  entities {
    ... on Person {
    ... on Circuit {

Schema definition:

type Person {
    id: ID!
    type: String
    gender: String

type Circuit {
    id: ID!
    type: String
    size: Int

union Entity = Person | Circuit

type Query {
    entities: [Entity] @cypher(
        statement: """
            MATCH (c:Circuit)
            WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT {id:, type: 'CIRCUIT', size: c.size}) AS circuitNodes
            OPTIONAL MATCH (p:Person)
            WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT {id:, type: 'PERSON', gender: p.gender}) AS personNodes, circuitNodes
            OPTIONAL MATCH (p:Person)-[:INVOLVED_IN]->(c:Circuit)
            UNWIND personNodes + circuitNodes AS x
            RETURN x

Error that occurs:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Expected a Node, got: Map{gender -> String(\"M\"), type -> String(\"PERSON\"), id -> String(\"foo\")}",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3
      "path": [
      "extensions": {
        "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
        "exception": {
          "code": "Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError",
          "name": "Neo4jError",
          "stacktrace": [
            "Neo4jError: Expected a Node, got: Map{gender -> String(\"M\"), type -> String(\"PERSON\"), id -> String(\"foo\")}",
            "    at captureStacktrace (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/result.js:277:15)",
            "    at new Result (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/result.js:68:19)",
            "    at newCompletedResult (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:449:10)",
            "    at (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:287:14)",
            "    at (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/neo4j-driver/lib/transaction.js:123:32)",
            "    at _callee2$ (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/index.js:222:35)",
            "    at tryCatch (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:63:40)",
            "    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:293:22)",
            "    at (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:118:21)",
            "    at asyncGeneratorStep (/home/amoe/dev/neo4j-graphql-js-return-aggregate-type/node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:5:24)"
  "data": {
    "entities": null

Using version 2.19.2.

michaeldgraham commented 3 years ago