neo4j-labs / neodash

NeoDash - a Dashboard Builder for Neo4j
Apache License 2.0
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No colours in Sankey Chart #824

Open sirko-schroeder opened 4 months ago

sirko-schroeder commented 4 months ago


Colours in Sankey Charts are not working, I have tried to select different colour sets but this did not change the colours from the (fallback?) grey scales e.g.:


the used relationship is an apoc.create.vRelationship

call {
return case
         when size($neodash_sector_name) > 0 then $neodash_sector_name
         else collect {match(s:Sector) return}
       end as sector_names
         when size($neodash_corporation_name) > 0 then $neodash_corporation_name
         else $neodash_company
       end as co_names
match (co:Corporation) where in co_names
match (co)-[co_cat:IN_CATEGORY]->(cat:CorpCat)-[cat_s:IN_SECTOR]->(s:Sector) where in sector_names
with distinct co,s, apoc.text.join(collect(,'|') as cats
with co,s
       when size(cats) > 0 then apoc.create.vRelationship(co,'IN_SECTOR',{categories:cats,weight:toInteger(co._node_size)},s)
    end as co_s
return co,co_s,s

Kind Regards, Sirko