Open KavinKKuppusamy opened 3 weeks ago
ok from your message it sounds like you're wrapping neo4j with a dockerfile like:
FROM neo4j:5.24
ENV NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/Admin_1234
ENV NEO4J_server_memory_pagecache_size=512M
ENV NEO4J_server_memory_heap_initial__size=512M
ENV NEO4J_server_memory_heap_max__size=1G
ENV NEO4J_dbms_usage__report_enabled=false
EXPOSE 7474 7687 7473
USER neo4j
CMD ["neo4j"]
I built and ran that Dockerfile and neo4j started as expected.
I suspect when you start the container, either something is overwriting PATH
environment or there is a volume mount somewhere that makes /var/lib/neo4j/bin
What is the run command you're using to start the container?
Hi All
I'm trying to setup neo4j in a AKS environment through Docker following our company's guidelines.
`FROM neo4j:5.24
Set environment variables for Neo4j
ENV NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/Admin_1234 ENV NEO4J_server_memory_pagecache_size=512M ENV NEO4J_server_memory_heap_initialsize=512M ENV NEO4J_server_memory_heap_maxsize=1G
Disable usage reporting
ENV NEO4J_dbms_usage__report_enabled=false
Expose Neo4j ports
EXPOSE 7474 7687 7473
Set the working directory in container
USER neo4j
CMD ["neo4j"] ` However when I run this in our AKS container, I get the error as "/startup/ line 349: neo4j-admin: command not found". Could you please help wit this?