Open apappascs opened 2 years ago
Hello @alexpappasc, thanks for the feature request.
Am I understanding you correctly that you are looking for procedures to add new node properties and relationshipTypes to the in-memory graph?
I wonder where the information, for example of the new node property, should come from if not from an algorithm. Your mentioned use-case, the in and out degree of a graph, can be achieved by using the degree centrality algorithm. Via the orientation
parameter you can control whether to load the in-, out- or undirected degree.
For your second example, it is correct that you cannot add a new property to an existing relationship type, which is due to the fact that relationship properties are tightly coupled to the topology of a relationship type induced graph. Changing this is a larger endevour which is currently not planned as part of our roadmap.
If you could share your use-case for this feature, we could discuss internally if we want to consider this feature.
Thank you for the update @soerenreichardt . Thats correct, I am looking for procedures to add new node properties and relationshipTypes to the in-memory graph. Let me demonstrate an example use case.
1 step: calculate score from multiple centrality algorithms 2 step: mutate a user defined score which can take values from the in-memory graph, or any value from the cypher query 3 step: calculate similarity or run other algorithms using this user defined property.
in order to do that we have to:
If those procedures being exposed to the user then:
e.g. mutate a user defined score which can take values from the in-memory graph, or any value from the cypher query and store it to the in-memory graph:
e.g. in_out_degree = in_degree + out_degree
CALL gds.graph.streamNodeProperties('countries', ['pagerank','degree'])
YIELD nodeId, nodeProperty, propertyValue
WITH nodeId, sum(CASE
WHEN (nodeProperty= "degree" OR nodeProperty= "degree_REVERSE") THEN propertyValue
END) as in_out_degree
CALL gds.graph.mutateNodeProperties(nodeId,'in_out_degree',in_out_degree)
RETURN nodeId,in_out_degree;
this wont be efficient for many nodes but its just an example.
The feature request is to expose the functionality which already exists in the algorithms, where mutate node properties and relationships is already possible.
Regarding the second example, the error message should be fixed then. relationshipWeightProperty is related to the property that already exists to the in memory graph and not to the mutateRelationshipType. Weighted and unWeight algorithms should have the same error message in this case right?
Hej @alexpappasc, thanks for clarifying your examples. I think that is a reasonable request which we will discuss and process internally. It might take a while though for us to get priority and implement this. I can keep you updated about the status here.
Current implementation let the user to store information to the in-memory graph, only when using the mutate mode of graph algorithms.
The following procedures will give this option to the user: gds.graph.mutateNodeProperties gds.graph.mutateRelationship
E.g. mutate in_degree and out_degree and need to mutate in_out_degree to the in-memory graph.
P.S. mutateRelationshipType accepts only new relationType and do not accept new property on existing relationType.
If the above query run twice (or other algo mutate already rel type 'SIMILARITY') will throw exception
While if we run the query with relationshipWeightProperty: