neo4j / graph-data-science

Source code for the Neo4j Graph Data Science library of graph algorithms.
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gds.alpha.hits.write returns error related to conversion default value of partitioning (AUTO) to AnyValue #285

Closed martynscn closed 6 months ago

martynscn commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug gds.alpha.hits.write returns ClientError: [Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed] Failed to invoke procedure gds.alpha.hits.write: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert AUTO of type org.neo4j.gds.beta.pregel.Partitioning to AnyValue, classloader=jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@5ffd2b27, classloader-name=app

To Reproduce CALL gds.alpha.hits.mutate() or CALL gds.alpha.hits.write()

GDS version: 2.4.4 Neo4j version: 5.11.0 ENTERPRISE Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior Query completes successfully without an error

Current behavior The following error is returned ClientError: [Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed] Failed to invoke procedure gds.alpha.hits.write: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert AUTO of type org.neo4j.gds.beta.pregel.Partitioning to AnyValue, classloader=jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@5ffd2b27, classloader-name=app

Additional context Manually changing the value of partitioning in gds.alpha.hits.write any of to 'AUTO', 'RANGE' and 'DEGREE' returns the following error

[Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed] Failed to invoke procedure gds.alpha.hits.write: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The value of partitioning must be of type Partitioning but was String.

vnickolov commented 9 months ago

Hello @martynscn, I can confirm that I managed to reproduce this issue, will let you know when a fix has been released.

vnickolov commented 9 months ago

Hello @martynscn, GDS 2.4.6 has been released and it contains the fix, can you please test it and close the issue.

JohT commented 9 months ago

Hi @vnickolov and @martynscn,

i'm curious if there would also be a new 2.5.0 preview version including this (and other) fixes. Tag 2.5.0-alpha03 also seems to have this bug. I fully understand if this is not possible because a preview isn't meant to have any kind of fixes/support. Just asking since I'm already playing around with the preview version :-).

martynscn commented 6 months ago

Hi @vnickolov and @JohT, I just tested this in Neo4j version = 5.11.0 and GDS version = 2.5.6 with the command CALL gds.hits.write() and it now works well. Thank you for the fix