neo4j / neo4j-javascript-driver

Neo4j Bolt driver for JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
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Introduce Client Certificate configuration #1183

Closed bigmontz closed 3 months ago

bigmontz commented 4 months ago

⚠️ This API is released as preview. ⚠️ This feature is NodeJS only. Browser should configure the client certificate in the system certificates.

The ClientCertificate is a mechanism to support mutual TLS as a second factor for authentication. The driver's certificate will not be used to authenticate a user on the DBMS, but only to authenticate the driver as a trusted client to the DBMS. Another authentication mechanism is still required to authenticate the user.

The configuration is done by using the driver configuration, the property name is clientCertificate and this a object with the following properties:

See node documentation for understanding how password, certs and keys work together.

Configuration example:

import neo4j from 'neo4j-driver'

const driver = neo4j.driver('neo4j+s://myhost:7687', MY_CREDENTIALS, {
   clientCertificate: {
      certfile: '/path/to/cert/file.cert',
      keyfile: '/path/to/cert/file.pem',
      password: 'the_key_password' // optional

// then use your driver as usual. 

Client Certificate Provider and Certificate Rotation

In case of the certificate needs to be changed, the driver offers an api for change client certificates without creating a new driver instance. The change is done by inform an ClientCertificateProvider instead of a ClientCertificate in the driver configuration.

ClientCertificateProvider is a public interface which can be implemented by user. However, the driver offers an implementation of this interface for working with certificate rotation scenarios.

import neo4j from 'neo4j-driver'

const initialClientCertificate: {
  certfile: '/path/to/cert/file.cert',
  keyfile: '/path/to/cert/file.pem',
  password: 'the_key_password' // optional

const clientCertificateProvider = neo4j.clientCertificateProviders.rotating({
    initialCertificate: initialClientCertificate

const driver = neo4j.driver('neo4j+s://myhost:7687', MY_CREDENTIALS, {
   clientCertificate: clientCertificateProvider

// use the driver as usual

// then you have new certificate which will replace the old one
  certfile: '/path/to/cert/new_file.cert',
  keyfile: '/path/to/cert/new_file.pem',
  password: 'the_new_key_password' // optional

// New connections will be created using the new certificate.
// however, older connections will not be closed if they still working.

⚠️ This feature is NodeJS only. Browser should configure the client certificate in the system certificates. ⚠️ This API is released as preview.