neo4j / neo4j-python-driver

Neo4j Bolt driver for Python
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Unable to Retrieve Routing information When Using Neo4j Python Driver #628

Closed funkjo closed 2 years ago

funkjo commented 2 years ago

This is occurring in a databricks Python notebook when using the neo4j python driver: from neo4j import GraphDatabase I receive the following error:

ServiceUnavailable                        Traceback (most recent call last)
<command-3411714849431767> in <module>
      3 # create dataset node with metadata and write to neo4j
----> 4 neo4j_write(generate_graph_dataset_query(params, spark_df))

<command-3411714849431763> in neo4j_write(query)
     31     """Write data to the graph database with a custom query"""
---> 33     session = connect_to_graph()
     35     session.close()

<command-3411714849431763> in connect_to_graph(neo_4j_url, ws_username, ws_password, database)
     21 #         print(e)
     22 #         return None
---> 23     connection = GraphDatabase.driver(neo_4j_url,
     24         auth=(ws_username, ws_password))
     25     session = connection.session(database=database)

/databricks/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/ in driver(cls, uri, auth, **config)
    184         elif driver_type == DRIVER_NEO4j:
    185             routing_context = parse_routing_context(parsed.query)
--> 186             return cls.neo4j_driver(parsed.netloc, auth=auth, routing_context=routing_context, **config)
    188     @classmethod

/databricks/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/ in neo4j_driver(cls, auth, routing_context, *targets, **config)
    208         try:
--> 209             return*targets, auth=auth, routing_context=routing_context, **config)
    210         except (BoltHandshakeError, BoltSecurityError) as error:
    211             from neo4j.exceptions import ServiceUnavailable

/databricks/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/ in open(cls, auth, routing_context, *targets, **config)
    408         addresses = cls.parse_targets(*targets)
    409         pool_config, default_workspace_config = Config.consume_chain(config, PoolConfig, WorkspaceConfig)
--> 410         pool =*addresses, auth=auth, routing_context=routing_context, pool_config=pool_config, workspace_config=default_workspace_config)
    411         return cls(pool, default_workspace_config)

/databricks/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/io/ in open(cls, auth, pool_config, workspace_config, routing_context, *addresses)
    580         try:
--> 581             pool.update_routing_table(database=workspace_config.database)
    582         except Exception:
    583             pool.close()

/databricks/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/io/ in update_routing_table(self, database)
    802         # None of the routers have been successful, so just fail
    803         log.error("Unable to retrieve routing information")
--> 804         raise ServiceUnavailable("Unable to retrieve routing information")
    806     def update_connection_pool(self, *, database):

ServiceUnavailable: Unable to retrieve routing information

Here is my code for connecting to neo4j:

def connect_to_graph(neo_4j_url=URL, ws_username=USER, ws_password=PWD, database=DB):

    """ Connect to the neo4j graph DB """

    connection = GraphDatabase.driver(neo_4j_url,
        auth=(ws_username, ws_password))
    session = connection.session(database=database)

    return session

This code successfully writes data to a different neo4j database when tested

robsdedude commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for contacting us.

ServiceUnavailable: Unable to retrieve routing information can have several causes and usually means connectivity issues. To help you, please provide further information:

ramakanth548 commented 2 years ago

Hi @robsdedude , at our organization we are using enterprise neo4j, i am running into similar error when i enabled logging i see the following statements being logged

[#0000] C: ServiceUnavailable: Timed out trying to establish connection to ResolvedIPv4Address(('', 7687))

I increased the connection timeout connection_timeout from default (30) to 60

but still encountering the same error , is there anything else which can be done to overcome this error or at-least narrow down to the actual cause Can you please share your thoughts

neo4j version : 4.2.9 (enterprise) python driver version : 4.4.0


robsdedude commented 2 years ago

This is really hard to debug for me as this is most certainly a network issue. The driver is telling you that the server did not respond in time. Make sure you server is running and reachable at the IP address you assume. Can you connect to the neo4j browser at

I'll close this issue as it's not driver related. Feel free to follow-up here nevertheless if you think there's something else I can help you with.

ramakanth548 commented 2 years ago

@robsdedude yes i can connect at ( through browser and via application as well, if 10 request per secondare made to application 6 go through (connect to neo4j and performs queries), 4 fail with this error.

Server is up in running (was same response from neo4j support team as well) then how come drivers are unable to connect for the rest of the 4 (any limitation at neo4j server level)?

robsdedude commented 2 years ago

By default, the server can only handle (compute things for) up to 400 connections at the same time. You can change this value . But do you have more than 400 driver-sessions executing work at the same time? Maybe you can find something helpful in the server logs. I'm just afraid I won't be of much help interpreting this, as I mostly work on the Python driver.

ramakanth548 commented 2 years ago

Hey @robsdedude, might be naive question but when you say 400 driver-sessions , you mean 400 sessions connections (at the same time) , something like below

with self.driver.session() as session
   result = session.write_transaction(
                self._create_and_return_friendship, person1_name, person2_name)

or you mean 400 connections like below self.driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))

is there a way at neo4j log level or server level to determine , how many connections are existing at given point of time (as you mentioned above 400 default value, want to check actual value) Can you please confirm. Thanks!!

robsdedude commented 2 years ago

The driver opens and keeps connections open only as long as needed. So in fact neither GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password)) nor driver.session() acquires a connection. Only ongoing transactions and unconsumed result streams will keep a connection open.

Another idea: are you running a single server or a cluster? If it's a single server, you could try connecting to it with the bolt://... scheme. This way it will not fail when trying to acquire a routing table but (if at all) when trying to execute work. This might make it a little easier to debug.

Finally, sharing the whole log (you can redact IP addresses and replace your queries with dummy queries) would really make debugging this easier for me.

ramakanth548 commented 2 years ago

@robsdedude We are running cluster. (we have 2 databases on. the server, but currently there is no transactions on 1 of the database it just has some data stored on it, and other one is actively used by the application )

ServiceUnavailable error execute_read 'cypher_query'.

query=UNWIND $json AS message MATCH (a:anonymous {anonymous_id: message.anonymous_id})-[*1..6]-(b:anonymous)
                          WITH b LIMIT 1099
                          RETURN b as identifiers
json={'anonymous_id': 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaae-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa'
> C: ServiceUnavailable: Timed out trying to establish connection to ResolvedIPv4Address(('', 7687))

 `bolt_result = session.read_transaction(self._execute_, cypher_query=cypher_query, json=payload)
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/work/", line 396, in read_transaction
    return self._run_transaction(READ_ACCESS, transaction_function, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/work/", line 352, in _run_transaction
    raise errors[-1]
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/work/", line 322, in _run_transaction
    self._open_transaction(access_mode=access_mode, metadata=metadata, timeout=timeout)
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/work/", line 255, in _open_transaction
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/work/", line 108, in _connect
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/work/", line 83, in _connect
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/io/", line 1179, in acquire
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/io/", line 1125, in ensure_routing_table_is_fresh
  File "/.ve/lib/python3.7/site-packages/neo4j/io/", line 1094, in update_routing_table
    raise ServiceUnavailable("Unable to retrieve routing information")
neo4j.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable: Unable to retrieve routing information

For the successful one's we have logs something like below not sure if it is helpful

C: <ROUTING TABLE ENSURE FRESH> {None: RoutingTable(database=None routers={IPv4Address(('', 7687))}, readers={}, writers={}, last_updated_time=130.306414024, ttl=0), 'neo4j': RoutingTable(database='neo4j' routers={IPv4Address(('', 7687)), IPv4Address(('', 7687)), IPv4Address((', 7687))}, readers={IPv4Address(('', 7687)), IPv4Address(('', 7687))}, writers={IPv4Address(('', 7687))}, last_updated_time=457451.686306685, ttl=300)}
C: <ROUTING> Checking table freshness (readonly=True)
C: <ROUTING> Table expired=False
C: <ROUTING> Table routers={IPv4Address(('', 7687)), IPv4Address(('', 7687)), IPv4Address(('', 7687))}
C: <ROUTING> Table has_server_for_mode=True
[#0000]  C: <ACQUIRE ADDRESS> database='neo4j' address=IPv4Address(('', 7687))

Please let me know if anything specific you're looking for.

ramakanth548 commented 2 years ago

Hey @robsdedude any insight on my above logs please ?

robsdedude commented 2 years ago

There is nothing in there that gives me a hint on where the problem could be. It certainly is a network issue.

  1. Since you're only sending read queries, you can actually still do what I suggested and connect to the database using bolt://' (replace with the IP address of the server that failed) and inspect the log output. Maybe that helps.
  2. You only sent me a log excerpt of when updating the routing table succeeded. Much more of interest would we what the driver logs just before it raises ServiceUnavailable: Unable to retrieve routing information.
OfekMQmasters commented 2 years ago

@funkjo Did you manage to understand the source for this issue?

d3thomas commented 2 years ago

Have you been able to find a concrete solution for this? I am running into the same issue. Tried all the steps described in the posts about it but the issue won't go away. A response would be much appreciated.

Sai90000 commented 2 years ago

I am able to get this working by using neo4j+ssc:// instead of neo4j+s.

robsdedude commented 2 years ago

I am able to get this working by using neo4j+ssc:// instead of neo4j+s.

This suggests, that you might not have the required root CA certificate installed on your client machine. Hence, the SSL library does not trust the certificate it receives from the server.

Also, note that while +ssc gives you encryption of the traffic, it cannot protect you from man-in-the-middle attacks as it skips the certificate verification all together.

KTiger1106 commented 2 years ago

Hello. I have a issue with this module. Here is my code.

from neo4j import GraphDatabase
from utils.color import Color
import logging
import psycopg2
import json

class Connection:
    # def __init__(self):
    #     """Initialize the database connection"""
    #"{Color.YELLOW}Connecting to database...{Color.END}")

    # def connect(self):
    #     """Connect to the database"""
    #     try:
    #         self.config = json.load(open("test_config.json", "r"))
    #         self.connection = GraphDatabase.driver(
    #             self.config.get("gdb").get("uri"),
    #             auth=(
    #                     self.config.get("gdb").get("user"), 
    #                     self.config.get("gdb").get("password")
    #                 )
    #         )

    #         # self.connection = psycopg2.connect(
    #         #     host=self.config.get("db").get("host"),
    #         #     database=self.config.get("db").get("database"),
    #         #     user=self.config.get("db").get("user"),
    #         #     password=self.config.get("db").get("password"),
    #         # )
    #"{Color.YELLOW}Connected to database{Color.END}")
    #         return self.connection

    #     except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
    #         logging.error(f"{Color.RED}Error while connecting to PostgreSQL{Color.END}")
    #         logging.error(error)
    #         return
    def __init__(self, uri, user, pwd):"{Color.YELLOW}Connecting to database...{Color.END}")
        self.__uri = uri
        self.__user = user
        self.__pwd = pwd
        self.__driver = None
            self.__driver = GraphDatabase.driver(self.__uri, auth=(self.__user, self.__pwd))
  "{Color.YELLOW}Connected to database{Color.END}")
        except Exception as error:
            logging.error(f"{Color.RED}Error while connecting to Neo4j{Color.END}")

    def close(self):
        if self.__driver is not None:

    def query(self, query, parameters=None, db=None):

        assert self.__driver is not None, "Driver not initialized!"
        session = None
        response = None
            session = self.__driver.session(database=db) if db is not None else self.__driver.session()
            response = list(
        except Exception as error:
            logging.error(f"{Color.RED}Query failed{Color.END}")
            if session is not None:
        return response

class Database:
    def __init__(self):
        """Connect to database"""
        self.config = json.load(open("test_config.json", "r"))
        self.connection = Connection(
            uri = self.config.get("gdb").get("uri"),
            user = self.config.get("gdb").get("user"),
            pwd = self.config.get("gdb").get("password"),

    def get_knowzee_data(self):
        """Get data from knowzee table"""
        block_name = []
        block_short_description = []
        block_long_description = []
        color_comment = []

        query = "Match (n:aaa) return n;"
        dataset = self.connection.query(query,db="neo4j")
        dataset = {
                    "NAME": "whether a risk is unjustifiable",
                    "SHORT DESCRIPTION": "Whether a risk is unjustifiable depends on if it is a gross deviation from the standard of care.",
                    "LONG DESCRIPTION": "In evaluating whether a risk is unjustifiable or substantial depends on whether it is a gross deviation from the standard of care.",
                    "PICTURES": "",
                    "PEOPLE": "",
                    "PLACES": "",
                    "PROFESSIONS": "",
                    "THINGS": "",
                    "TIMES": "",
                    "RESULTS": "",
                    "ACTIONS": "",
                    "GROUPS": "",
                    "CONNECTIONS": "",
                    "PRIORITY WITHIN GROUPS": "",
                    "PRIORITY FOR ALL BLOCKS": "",
                    "SORT ORDER": "",
                    "RELATED KEY WORDS": "",
                    "COLOR COMMENT": "Color comment for block 1"
        for row in dataset:
        return (

    def get_knowzee_metadata(self, query: str = "SELECT * FROM knowzee"):
        """Get metadata from knowzee table"""
        name = []
        title = []
        description = []

and I use uri as follow. "uri": "neo4j+ssc://localhost:7687",

But when I run this code in docker, i get error message as this: Unable to retrieve routing information

when I run query on browser it works. What is issue?

KTiger1106 commented 2 years ago

I solved issue. I wrote docker container name instead of "localhost" Thank you.

robsdedude commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear you found a solution. Before I read that message, I started to skim your code and spotted that you try/catch around the driver initialization. Please note that this is a lazy operation.

Driver objects only open connections and pool them as needed. To verify that the driver is able to communicate with the database without executing any query, use neo4j.Driver.verify_connectivity(). -- API docs

hafeja commented 1 year ago

Hi @robsdedude ,

I'm facing a similar issue on a Neoj4 instance 5.8 (4.4 shows same behavior) deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. A python script inserts data to the database. After a certain amount of time, the insertion process suddenly starts to fail sporadically with

neo4j.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable: Unable to retrieve routing information

Below, a "bad/good-case comparison" of the debug log. image

Any ideas/recommendations how to fix/analyse the issue?

Looking forward to receive expert feedback 😊!

robsdedude commented 1 year ago

Hi @hafeja,

For support I generally refer to either of

I think the online community would be the best place for this.

Now I still want to give some insight of what I see in the logs: While committing one of the transactions the server replies with Neo.TransientError.Database.DatabaseUnavailable. You can find that error here where it says

The database is not currently available to serve your request, refer to the database logs for more details. Retrying your request at a later time may succeed.

So check your database logs and see if you can spot something interesting there. I'm not sure what conditions would lead the DBMS to respons with such an error, for that I don't know enough about the server internals.

After that initial error, the driver retires the transaction because the error is classified as TransientError. That means your using transaction functions or driver.execute_query :+1: that's good. The second attempt however fails immediately because the driver picks a dead connection from the pool (OSError("No data")). It's hard to say what killed the connection. If you have for instance an aggressive load balancer in your network that terminates TCP connections that have been idle for a while (most cloud providers like AWS and GCP to that for example), I recommend lowering the max_connection_lifetime which will make the driver never use a connection that has been open for longer than the configured threshold.

hafeja commented 1 year ago

Hi @robsdedude ,

trying different values of max-connection-lifetime doesn't help in my case.

However, increasing max-transaction-retry-time to ~3 minutes does solve my issue.

Thanks for your fast and helpful hints 👍

shuxdh commented 5 months ago

hello@robsdedude I am trying to connect to my Neo4j database, but I encountered an error. Could you assist me?I will be very grateful.

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "***" os.environ["NEO4J_URI"] = "neo4j+ssc://" os.environ["NEO4J_USERNAME"] = "neo4j" os.environ["NEO4J_PASSWORD"] = "***" Failed to read from defunct connection ResolvedIPv4Address(('', 7687)) (ResolvedIPv4Address(('', 7687))) Unable to retrieve routing information

robsdedude commented 5 months ago

@shuxdh as written above:

For support I generally refer to either of

I think the online community would be the best place for this.

There, you should also include additional information like what you're trying to achieve, code snippets (if applicable), what driver language and version, what server version, stack traces of errors (if applicable), driver debug logs (see the API docs on how to enable them).