neo4jrb / activegraph

An active model wrapper for the Neo4j Graph Database for Ruby.
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Vagrant config uses (deprecated(-ish?)?) neo4j-rake_tasks gem #1661

Open bobmazanec opened 3 years ago

bobmazanec commented 3 years ago

Vagrantfile uses neo4jrb/neo4j-rake_tasks but this comment on neo4jrb/neo4j-rake_tasks#50

We are actually going away from neo4j-rake_tasks in favor of bolkit or direct shell.

suggests it is not (was not going to be? might not be?) the path forward.

Background suggests using the Vagrant box. I see Vagrantfile hasn't been touched since 2017, so I've been updating it to get a dev environment running.

After working through several issues, I was tracking down why rake neo4j:install[community-latest] installed neo4j-community-3.4.1. I was simply going to submit a PR to its neo4j_versions.yml. When I found the issue referenced above, I came back here.

How can I/we help?
