neo4jrb / activegraph

An active model wrapper for the Neo4j Graph Database for Ruby.
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Rake task neo4j:schema:dump fails #1682

Closed MatthewAger closed 1 year ago

MatthewAger commented 1 year ago


Running bundle exec rake neo4j:schema:dump (and hence any other rake task that invokes that task) fails with

Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::ClientException: There is no procedure with the name `db.constraints` registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.

This is clearly related to this recent change in the v11.1.0 release and was perhaps just missed?

The culprit appears to be here

I attempted to fix that line in a similar way, but get

ArgumentError: comparison of Neo4j::Driver::Internal::InternalRecord with Neo4j::Driver::Internal::InternalRecord failed

which, incidentally, is what you get if you run neo4j:schema:dump on a v4.x database.

Runtime information:

Neo4j database version: 5.2 (and 4.4) activegraph (11.1.0) neo4j-rake_tasks (0.7.19) neo4j-ruby-driver (4.4.1) rails (

klobuczek commented 1 year ago

Could you show me your attempted fix?

MatthewAger commented 1 year ago

Hah! Was quite naïve...

def fetch_constraint_descriptions
    ActiveGraph::Base.version?('<4.3') ?
      'CALL db.constraints() YIELD description' :
      'SHOW CONSTRAINTS YIELD createStatement'

in the hope that in both cases the query returned an array. But as I say, I get the same error as I do as standard on Neo4j 4.x.

This is what that query returns on my test server btw

│"createStatement"                                                     │
│"CREATE CONSTRAINT `constraint_306769aa` FOR (n:`Artwork`) REQUIRE (n.│
│`uuid`) IS UNIQUE OPTIONS {indexConfig: {}, indexProvider: 'range-1.0'│
│}"                                                                    │
│"CREATE CONSTRAINT `constraint_8e2dcb08` FOR (n:`Portfolio`) REQUIRE (│
│n.`uuid`) IS UNIQUE OPTIONS {indexConfig: {}, indexProvider: 'range-1.│
│0'}"                                                                  │
│"CREATE CONSTRAINT `constraint_dbcee0a4` FOR (n:`ActiveGraph::Migratio│
│ns::SchemaMigration`) REQUIRE (n.`migration_id`) IS UNIQUE OPTIONS {in│
│dexConfig: {}, indexProvider: 'range-1.0'}"                           │