neo4jrb / neo4j-core

A simple unified API that can access both the server and embedded Neo4j database. Used by the neo4j gem
MIT License
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Confusing documentation #307

Closed garmoshka-mo closed 6 years ago

garmoshka-mo commented 6 years ago

Docs says:

http_adaptor ='http://neo4j:pass@localhost:7474')

# or

bolt_adaptor ='http://neo4j:pass@localhost:7474', timeout: 10)

Though it will always throw an exception:

uninitialized constant Neo4j::Core::CypherSession (NameError)

One solution - is to prepend requiring of:

require 'neo4j/core/cypher_session/adaptors/http'
require 'neo4j/core/cypher_session/adaptors/bolt'
cheerfulstoic commented 6 years ago

Great point, thanks! I've fixed this in the neo4j-core README as well as in the "Setup" and "Upgrade Guide" sections of the docs