Closed padhupradheep closed 4 months ago
The warnings about liveliness tokens are a direct consequence of the create-2
process (i.e. spawn_model
node) crash:
[create-2] [INFO] [1719424502.517446780] [spawn_model]: OK creation of entity.
[create-2] thread '<unnamed>' panicked at /build/rustc-Px5Ywq/rustc-1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1/library/std/src/thread/
[create-2] cannot access a Thread Local Storage value during or after destruction: AccessError
[create-2] note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
[ERROR] [create-2]: process has died [pid 48936, exit code -6, cmd '/opt/ros/rolling/lib/ros_gz_sim/create -topic robot_description -name rox --ros-args -r __node:=spawn_model'].
The node didn't perform a clean exit, removing all its pub/subs/clients/services before to stop. The Zenoh liveliness tokens are used for ROS graph discovery.
Please, reproduce the issue with the RUST_BACKTRACE=1
environment variable set for this process (or for the full host if simpler) and copy here the backtrace you get .
Sure! Here is the back trace for you..
[create-2] thread '<unnamed>' panicked at /build/rustc-Px5Ywq/rustc-1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1/library/std/src/thread/
[create-2] cannot access a Thread Local Storage value during or after destruction: AccessError
[create-2] stack backtrace:
[create-2] 0: rust_begin_unwind
[create-2] at /build/rustc-Px5Ywq/rustc-1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1/library/std/src/
[create-2] 1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
[create-2] at /build/rustc-Px5Ywq/rustc-1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1/library/core/src/
[create-2] 2: core::result::unwrap_failed
[create-2] at /build/rustc-Px5Ywq/rustc-1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1/library/core/src/
[create-2] 3: z_close
[create-2] 4: rmw_shutdown
[create-2] 5: rcl_shutdown
[create-2] 6: _ZN6rclcpp7Context8shutdownERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
[create-2] 7: _ZN6rclcpp7ContextD1Ev
[create-2] 8: <unknown>
[create-2] 9: <unknown>
[create-2] 10: exit
[create-2] 11: <unknown>
[create-2] 12: __libc_start_main
[create-2] 13: _start
This is probably the same issue than .
As you are able to move the robot like as usual, I guess this error at exit doesn't prevent the create
node to complete its tasks, right ? If yes, I think you can ignore this error that hopefully will be fixed soon.
I guess this error at exit doesn't prevent the create node to complete its tasks, right ?
That's correct.
Then alright. I will proceed with the other tests then. Closing this issue .
I was trying to launch the gz simulation using the command:
ros2 launch rox_bringup
[jazzy-devel branch]if you want to use this, then you also need to export the gz resource path like this :
export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=~/rolling_ws/src/rox/:~/rolling_ws/src/neo_gz_worlds/models
and also clone the neo_gz_worlds
while doing so, the spawn
node fails for some reason. with the following error:Also on the teleop terminal, I can see the following piece of warning:
we don't see this while using other dds vendors.
Although we are able to move the robot like as usual, I thought, this might be something helpful to improve zenoh
Here is the full logs: