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Add Site Manager System #264

Open Retroity opened 6 years ago

Retroity commented 6 years ago

With the fact that many groups (and now a few companies) are running their websites on Neocities, it would be useful if there was some sort of manager system to allow site owners to give others access to their site. Adding managers should probably be a Supporters only thing, but non-supporters should be allowed to be managers.

Managers would be able to do pretty much anything but delete the site, which should be reserved for the site owner. Additionally, site owners should be able to transfer ownership of the site to managers who are also supporters. For illustration, I've created some mockups of how this would look.

Site managers tab in site settings:


Manager Invitation Email:


Manager Invitation Accepted Message:


Transfer Ownership Dialog:


Ownership Transferral Email:


I'd love to know your thoughts on this idea. What do you think?

jackomix commented 6 years ago

I support on this idea!