neoclide / coc-eslint

Eslint extension for coc.nvim
MIT License
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is coc-eslint still maintained? #146

Open laoshaw opened 6 months ago

laoshaw commented 6 months ago

I could never get coc-eslint to work with coc.nvim with typescript, i.e. to give linter warns and errors inside vim while I'm writing the code, I noticed this project has not been updated for two years, and warns against newest typescript, is this still a good option to use with vim and typescript today?

fannheyward commented 6 months ago

I'm using coc/coc-eslint with TS 5.3 without any problems, any error messages?

laoshaw commented 6 months ago

message says it has to be ts5.4.0 but a default install is now 5.4.2.

the key problem though, is vim with coc-eslint, coc-prettier, coc-volar(for vue) and coc-tsserver installed I no longer can get vim to show warnings and errors while typing or at saving time. I have to switch bake to ALE. I want to use vim/coc-eslint/coc-prettier to do typescript work but it's not working for me anymore.

laoshaw commented 6 months ago

Also, to get that work, I had to pnpm various packages, do cocconfig, change .vimrc, it just kept breaking over the years. on the other hand, coc-clangd, coc-pyright etc are solid for a vim IDE development experience.

laoshaw commented 6 months ago

even for vue project, while all eslint/prettier works well inside script portion for vue filetypes, when editing standalone ts files, eslint and prettier does nothing.

fannheyward commented 6 months ago

message says it has to be ts5.4.0 but a default install is now 5.4.2.

Any screenshot? I want to know who output this message, eslint or prettier or tsserver.

npm create vue@latest to create vue-test project, select to enable TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier


npm list

vue-test@0.0.0 /Users/fannheyward/src/vue-test
├── @rushstack/eslint-patch@1.7.2
├── @tsconfig/node20@20.1.2
├── @types/node@20.11.26
├── @vitejs/plugin-vue@5.0.4
├── @vue/eslint-config-prettier@8.0.0
├── @vue/eslint-config-typescript@12.0.0
├── @vue/tsconfig@0.5.1
├── eslint-plugin-vue@9.23.0
├── eslint@8.57.0
├── npm-run-all2@6.1.2
├── prettier@3.2.5
├── typescript@5.4.2
├── vite@5.1.6
├── vue-tsc@2.0.6
└── vue@3.4.21



vim src/App.vue, make some errors in script


Formatting works too.

when editing standalone ts files, eslint and prettier does nothing

I don't know what you mean standalone files, are they in TS project?