neoclide / coc-lists

Common lists for coc.nvim
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Inconsistency of searching methods. #131

Closed sloppydevil closed 2 years ago

sloppydevil commented 2 years ago

when using :CocList grep, regular expression didn't work. maybe due to that I don'w know the proper re version?

when using \<space>s, it goes to symbols, fuzzy methods or regex didn't work, only strict literal.

maybe how the three ways (strict, fuzzy, regex) work is written somewhere?

thx so much!

chemzqm commented 2 years ago

See interactive section of :h coc-list-options

sloppydevil commented 2 years ago

configured in :CocConfig as follows, when input :CocList symbols. No regex was supported. 😩 "list.source.symbols.defaultOptions": [ "--interactive", "--regex", "--number-select", "--ignore-case" ],