neoclide / coc-python

Python extension for coc.nvim, fork of vscode-python
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Mypy errors in unexpected buffer #254

Open TatchNicolas opened 4 years ago

TatchNicolas commented 4 years ago

When a python file A( in the screenshot) has no mypy error but file B( does, the error in the latter is shown in the buffer of file A.


I am not sure this is an intended behaviour, but I think showing them in import statement line makes more sense if users want mypy errors of other files to be shown.


macOS 10.15.6 neoVim v0.4.3 coc.nvim version 0.0.78-56999634f4 coc-python 1.2.12

Steps to reproduce

I included coc-settings.json and poetry config files to setup the minimum environment to reproduce this behaviour.

  1. git clone && cd coc-mypy-wrong-buffer

  2. poetry install

  3. Open which imports which imports which has a type hint error at line 4

  4. You'll see the type hint error in on which line 4 is actually an empty line.

TatchNicolas commented 4 years ago

If you just want to silence error messages in other files, adding --follow-imports=skip to python.linting.mypyArgs works.