Closed ben-wall closed 4 months ago
It seems to only happen on non-custom snippets like div, span, h1 etc but anything custom from my html snippets (ultisnips) is fine
I've tried removing my snippets file entirely (html.snippts), it doesn't have any effect, still crashes
with -V20
line 13:
E31: No such mapping
line 14: endfor
line 9: for map in map(filter(split(mappings, '\n'), "v:val !~# '^s' && v:val !~# '^\\a*\\s*<\\S\\+>'"), "matchstr(v:val, '^\\a*\\s*\\zs\\S\\+')")
line 12: silent! execute 'sunmap' map
line 13: silent! execute 'sunmap <buffer>' map
line 14: endfor
line 15:
line 16: " same behaviour of ultisnips
line 17: snoremap <silent> <BS> <c-g>c
line 18: snoremap <silent> <DEL> <c-g>c
line 19: snoremap <silent> <c-h> <c-g>c
line 20: snoremap <c-r> <c-g>"_c<c-r>
coc#snippet#_select_mappings returning #0
continuing in coc#snippet#enable
line 7: let nextkey = get(g:, 'coc_snippet_next', '<C-j>')
line 8: let prevkey = get(g:, 'coc_snippet_prev', '<C-k>')
line 9: if maparg(nextkey, 'i') =~# 'snippet'
line 10: let s:map_next = 0
line 11: endif
line 12: if maparg(prevkey, 'i') =~# 'snippet'
line 13: let s:map_prev = 0
line 14: endif
line 15: if !empty(nextkey)
line 16: if s:map_next
line 17: execute 'inoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.nextkey." <C-R>=coc#snippet#jump(1, ".complete.")<cr>"
line 18: endif
line 19: execute 'snoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.nextkey." <Esc>:call coc#snippet#jump(1, ".complete.")<cr>"
line 19: snoremap <buffer><nowait><silent><tab> <Esc>:call coc#snippet#jump(1, 0)<cr>
line 20: endif
line 21: if !empty(prevkey)
line 22: if s:map_prev
line 23: execute 'inoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.prevkey." <C-R>=coc#snippet#jump(0, ".complete.")<cr>"
line 23: inoremap <buffer><nowait><silent><c-k> <C-R>=coc#snippet#jump(0, 0)<cr>
line 24: endif
line 25: execute 'snoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.prevkey." <Esc>:call coc#snippet#jump(0, ".complete.")<cr>"
line 25: snoremap <buffer><nowait><silent><c-k> <Esc>:call coc#snippet#jump(0, 0)<cr>
line 26: endif
coc#snippet#enable returning #0
continuing in <SNR>13_request
calling coc#snippet#move({'character': 2, 'line': 4})
line 1: let m = mode()
line 2: if m == 's'
line 3: call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'in')
line 4: endif
line 5: let pos = coc#snippet#to_cursor(a:position)
calling coc#snippet#to_cursor({'character': 2, 'line': 4})
using :healthcheck I was able to find where I had a duplicate binding over<leader>a
and remove it, and the issue resolved
this error is in logs hundreds of times before then closes/crashes nvim.
opening vim with nvim -V3logfile -u ~/mini-init.vim src/app/app.component.html mini-init.vim:
reproduce: create a
and use snippets <div here> and navigate the list. Crashes every time.