neoclide / coc-vetur

Vue language server extension for coc.nvim
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Failed to load plugin 'vue' #30

Closed 3rd closed 4 years ago

3rd commented 4 years ago

Hello, coc-vetur throws this error when opening a Vue file (with TS):

Error: Failed to load plugin 'vue' declared in 'CLIOptions': Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-vue'
Require stack:
- /home/xx/repo/__placeholder__.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:636:15)
    at Function.resolve (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:33:19)
    at Object.resolve (/home/xx/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/vls/node_modules/eslint/lib/shared/relative-module-resolver.js:44:50)

I tried installing the eslint plugin manually, but that didn't work out. Did anyone else encouter this?

3rd commented 4 years ago

This fixes it for now:

  "vetur.validation.template": false,
3rd commented 4 years ago

Hey, it's not a fix, just a way to stop it from completely breaking.

egrechko commented 4 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue. Cannot use vetur at all. IntelliSense comes up but hitting tab, enter space does absolutely nothing.

Here are the steps I took to try to resolve this issue.

Is this a problem with coc-vetur or with coc itself? Maybe the CocInstall somehow failed to correctly install coc-vetur?

chemzqm commented 4 years ago

Run npm install --production --ignore-scripts in folder of coc-vetur.

egrechko commented 4 years ago

I've ran npm install --production --ignore-scripts in the coc-vetur folder. Everything finished without any errors. There is now a index.ts file in the lib folder.

I tested vetur with 2 projects, one that does have eslint installed locally and one that does not. Vetur works just like expected with ZERO errors in the project with eslint.

Thank you for your help.

jjs1015 commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry to bother.

This problem happens here. I tried the method above (i.e., remove node_modules and run npm install --production --ignore-scripts in coc-vetur folder).

But it doesn't work. Some logs FYR.

                throw sourceValue.error;

Error: Failed to load plugin 'vue' declared in 'CLIOptions': Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-vue'
Require stack:
- /home/xx/aaa/__placeholder__.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1020:15)
    at Function.resolve (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:78:19)
    at Object.resolve (/home/xx/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules/eslint/lib/shared/relative-module-resolver.js:44:50)
    at ConfigArrayFactory._loadPlugin (/home/xx/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/config-array-factory.js:959:39)
    at /home/xx/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/config-array-factory.js:848:33
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at ConfigArrayFactory._loadPlugins (/home/xx/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/config-array-factory.js:844:22)
    at ConfigArrayFactory._normalizeObjectConfigDataBody (/home/xx/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/config-array-factory.js:667:32)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ConfigArrayFactory._normalizeObjectConfigData (/home/xx/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/config-array-factory.js:596:20) {
  requireStack: [ '/home/xx/aaa/__placeholder__.js' ],
  messageTemplate: 'plugin-missing',
  messageData: {
    pluginName: 'eslint-plugin-vue',
    resolvePluginsRelativeTo: '/home/xx/aaa',
    importerName: 'CLIOptions'
chemzqm commented 4 years ago

@jjs1015 use :CocList extensions to check extension folder.

jjs1015 commented 4 years ago

@jjs1015 use :CocList extensions to check extension folder.

Not sure if I get your point. Did you mean this? image

Besides, tree -I node_modules -h in ~/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur:

├── [4.0K]  lib
│   └── [194K]  index.js
├── [ 10K]  package.json
├── [324K]  package-lock.json
├── [4.3K]
└── [ 686]  webpack.config.js

and ls node_modules (I can find eslint-plugin-vue in ~/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules):

@babel                       core-util-is                has-yarn                               lowercase-keys           punycode                      through
@emmetio                     cross-spawn                 hast-util-embedded                     lru-cache                quick-lru                     tmp
@mrmlnc                      crypto-random-string        hast-util-has-property                 make-dir                 rc                            to-object-path
@nodelib                     css                         hast-util-is-body-ok-link              map-age-cleaner          read-pkg                      to-readable-stream
@sindresorhus                css-parse                   hast-util-is-element                   map-cache                read-pkg-up                   to-regex
@sorg                        csstype                     hast-util-parse-selector               map-obj                  readable-stream               to-regex-range
@starptech                   currently-unhandled         hast-util-to-string                    map-visit                readdirp                      to-vfile
@szmarczak                   debug                       hast-util-whitespace                   markdown-table           redent                        trim
@types                       decamelize                  hosted-git-info                        mem                      regex-not                     trim-newlines
@typescript-eslint           decamelize-keys             html-void-elements                     meow                     regexpp                       trim-trailing-lines
abbrev                       decode-uri-component        html-whitespace-sensitive-tag-names    merge2                   registry-auth-token           trough
acorn                        decompress-response         http-cache-semantics                   micromatch               registry-url                  tslib
acorn-jsx                    deep-extend                 iconv-lite                             mimic-fn                 rehype-sort-attribute-values  tslint
aggregate-error              deep-is                     ignore                                 mimic-response           remark                        tsutils
ajv                          defaults                    import-fresh                           minimatch                remark-parse                  type-check
ansi-align                   defer-to-connect            import-lazy                            minimist                 remark-stringify              type-fest
ansi-escapes                 define-property             imurmurhash                            minimist-options         repeat-element                typedarray
ansi-regex                   del                         indent-string                          mixin-deep               repeat-string                 typescript
ansi-styles                  del-cli                     inflight                               mkdirp                   replace-ext                   unherit
anymatch                     diff                        inherits                               mout                     require-directory             unified
argparse                     dir-glob                    ini                                    ms                       require-main-filename         unified-engine
arr-diff                     dlv                         inquirer                               mute-stream              require-relative              union-value
arr-flatten                  doctrine                    invert-kv                              nanomatch                resolve                       unique-string
arr-union                    dot-prop                    is-accessor-descriptor                 natural-compare          resolve-from                  unist-util-find
array-find-index             duplexer3                   is-alphabetical                        nice-try                 resolve-url                   unist-util-inspect
array-iterate                editorconfig                is-alphanumerical                      node-fetch               responselike                  unist-util-is
array-union                  element-helper-json         is-arrayish                            nopt                     restore-cursor                unist-util-modify-children
array-uniq                   emoji-regex                 is-binary-path                         normalize-package-data   ret                           unist-util-remove-position
array-unique                 end-of-stream               is-buffer                              normalize-path           reusify                       unist-util-stringify-position
arrify                       error-ex                    is-ci                                  normalize-url            rimraf                        unist-util-visit
assign-symbols               escape-string-regexp        is-data-descriptor                     npm-prefix               run-async                     unist-util-visit-parents
astral-regex                 eslint                      is-decimal                             npm-run-path             run-parallel                  unset-value
async                        eslint-plugin-vue           is-descriptor                          number-is-nan            rxjs                          untildify
atob                         eslint-scope                is-empty                               nuxt-helper-json         s.color                       update-notifier
bail                         eslint-utils                is-extendable                          object-assign            safe-buffer                   uri-js
balanced-match               eslint-visitor-keys         is-extglob                             object-copy              safe-regex                    urix
base                         espree                      is-fullwidth-code-point                object-visit             safer-buffer                  url-parse-lax
binary-extensions            esprima                     is-glob                                object.pick              sass-formatter                use
bootstrap-vue-helper-json    esquery                     is-hexadecimal                         once                     sax                           user-home
boxen                        esrecurse                   is-hidden                              onetime                  semver                        util-deprecate
brace-expansion              estraverse                  is-installed-globally                  optionator               semver-diff                   v8-compile-cache
braces                       esutils                     is-npm                                 os-homedir               set-blocking                  validate-npm-package-license
buefy-helper-json            execa                       is-number                              os-locale                set-value                     vfile
buffer-from                  expand-brackets             is-obj                                 os-tmpdir                shebang-command               vfile-location
builtin-modules              extend                      is-object                              osenv                    shebang-regex                 vfile-message
cache-base                   extend-shallow              is-path-cwd                            p-cancelable             shellsubstitute               vfile-reporter
cacheable-request            external-editor             is-path-inside                         p-defer                  sigmund                       vfile-sort
call-me-maybe                extglob                     is-plain-obj                           p-finally                signal-exit                   vfile-statistics
callsites                    fast-deep-equal             is-plain-object                        p-is-promise             slash                         vls
camelcase                    fast-glob                   is-stream                              p-limit                  slice-ansi                    vscode-css-languageservice
camelcase-keys               fast-json-stable-stringify  is-utf8                                p-locate                 snapdragon                    vscode-emmet-helper
ccount                       fast-levenshtein            is-windows                             p-map                    snapdragon-node               vscode-jsonrpc
chalk                        fastq                       is-yarn-global                         p-try                    snapdragon-util               vscode-languageserver
character-entities           fault                       isarray                                package-json             source-map                    vscode-languageserver-protocol
character-entities-html4     figures                     isexe                                  parent-module            source-map-resolve            vscode-languageserver-textdocument
character-entities-legacy    file-entry-cache            isobject                               parse-entities           source-map-url                vscode-languageserver-types
character-reference-invalid  fill-range                  js-beautify                            parse-gitignore          space-separated-tokens        vscode-nls
chardet                      find-up                     js-tokens                              parse-json               spdx-correct                  vscode-uri
chokidar                     flat-cache                  js-yaml                                pascalcase               spdx-exceptions               vscode-web-custom-data
ci-info                      flatted                     json-buffer                            path-dirname             spdx-expression-parse         vue-eslint-parser
class-utils                  fn-name                     json-parse-better-errors               path-exists              spdx-license-ids              vue-onsenui-helper-json
clean-stack                  for-in                      json-schema-traverse                   path-is-absolute         split-string                  wcwidth
cli-boxes                    format                      json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify  path-is-inside           sprintf-js                    which
cli-cursor                   fragment-cache              json5                                  path-key                 stampit                       which-module
cli-width                    fs.realpath                 jsonc-parser                           path-parse               static-extend                 widest-line
cliui                        function-bind               keyv                                   path-type                string-width                  window-size
clone                        functional-red-black-tree   kind-of                                picomatch                string_decoder                word-wrap
clone-response               get-caller-file             latest-version                         pify                     stringify-entities            wrap-ansi
code-point-at                get-stream                  lcid                                   pinkie                   strip-ansi                    wrappy
collapse-white-space         get-value                   levn                                   pinkie-promise           strip-bom                     write
collection-visit             glob                        lines-and-columns                      pkg-conf                 strip-eof                     write-file-atomic
color-convert                glob-parent                 load-json-file                         posix-character-classes  strip-indent                  x-is-array
color-name                   glob-to-regexp              load-plugin                            prelude-ls               strip-json-comments           x-is-string
columnify                    global-dirs                 locate-path                            prepend-http             stylint                       xdg-basedir
comma-separated-tokens       globals                     lodash                                 prettier                 stylus                        xtend
commander                    globby                      lodash.assign                          prettier-eslint          stylus-supremacy              y18n
common-tags                  got                         lodash.defaults                        prettier-tslint          suf-cli                       yallist
component-emitter            graceful-fs                 lodash.iteratee                        pretty-format            suf-node                      yargs
concat-map                   gridsome-helper-json        lodash.merge                           process-nextick-args     suf-regex                     yargs-parser
concat-stream                has                         lodash.unescape                        progress                 supports-color                
config-chain                 has-ansi                    loglevel                               property-information     symbol                        
configstore                  has-flag                    loglevel-colored-level-prefix          proto-list               table                         
copy-descriptor              has-value                   longest-streak                         pseudomap                term-size                     
core-js                      has-values                  loud-rejection                         pump                     text-table                    
chemzqm commented 4 years ago
  messageData: {
    pluginName: 'eslint-plugin-vue',
    resolvePluginsRelativeTo: '/home/xx/aaa',
    importerName: 'CLIOptions'

Looks like the module is resolved from your project, you have to install it as devDependency.

jjs1015 commented 4 years ago
  messageData: {
    pluginName: 'eslint-plugin-vue',
    resolvePluginsRelativeTo: '/home/xx/aaa',
    importerName: 'CLIOptions'

Looks like the module is resolved from your project, you have to install it as devDependency.

Fixed by installing eslint and eslint-plugin-vue as devDepndency. I thought they are the dependencies of coc-vetur. Anyway, it works now, thx!

chemzqm commented 4 years ago

they are the dependencies of coc-vetur

Yes, but I don't know why coc-vetur resolve eslint-plugin-vue from your local node_modules, maybe you have eslint as devDependency.

javiertury commented 4 years ago

This solution proposed by @chemzqm is the best, it doesn't have any drawbacks. Your templates can be linted by coc-eslint instead.

  "vetur.validation.template": false,

It prevents coc-vetur from using eslint-plugin-vue to lint the templates and from crashing. To get your templates linted by coc-eslint you need to install and configure eslint and eslint-plugin-vue for your project, but let me repeat that your templates will still get linted.

In my case resolvePluginsRelativeTo was defined as my project directory and couldn't find a way to change it. I suspect that it has to do with eslint pushing for local project configuration and plugin resolution.

It was problematic because I usually work on serveral projects at the same time in different tabs. If I opened nvim or restarted coc on a project that doesn't use vue, vetur would crash. Also I couldn't install eslint-plugin-vue or eslint as a devDependency on projects that have nothing to do with vue.

XiongLiding commented 4 years ago

Change ~/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur/node_modules/vls/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/cascading-config-array-factory.js L193-203 to

        additionalPluginPool = new Map(),
        baseConfig: baseConfigData = null,
        cliConfig: cliConfigData = null,
        cwd = process.cwd(),
        resolvePluginsRelativeTo = '/Users/xiongliding/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur', // from var cwd to the coc-vetur dir 
        rulePaths = [],
        specificConfigPath = null,
        useEslintrc = true
    } = {}) {

solve the problem too, template lint works;

just replace resolvePluginsRelativeTo = cwd, with resolvePluginsRelativeTo = '/Users/xiongliding/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-vetur',

So at least we know it use the default value. if there is no bug in eslint, the problem is caused by both coc-vetur and vls don't pass a param resolvePluginsRelativeTo into it.

chemzqm commented 4 years ago

Don't change the code of eslint, you should install eslint and eslint-plugin-vue as devDependencies of your project and start vim your project root.

XiongLiding commented 4 years ago

Yes, of course. Just want it works with the isolate .vue file, also provides some information.

I think coc-vetur absolutely known where the eslint-plugin-vue is. Maybe coc-vetur should add an option to tell vls to tell eslint where to find eslint-plugin-vue

chemzqm commented 4 years ago

It's problem of vls, it's not controlled by coc-vetur.