neoclide / coc-vetur

Vue language server extension for coc.nvim
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Issue with Emmet completion #52

Closed domi91c closed 3 years ago

domi91c commented 3 years ago

This plugin is almost perfect, but when I try to use it for emmet completions, the completion menu displaying emmet options will appear and then disappear on each additional keypress.

I'm not too sure how to debug this. I thought I'd just see if any one has experience anything similar. I've also tried installing the coc-emmet plugin along with coc-vetur, it didn't seem to make a difference with this bug.


chemzqm commented 3 years ago

Emmet items would have empty word, use <C-y> to confirm completion or <C-e> to cancel.

domi91c commented 3 years ago

<C-y> triggers the emmet completion if the popup is open, but if it's not open, it doesn't. So the issue is still that the popup menu closes on each keypress. I'm not sure what you mean by "Emmet items would have empty word".

Thanks for the fast response and for your incredible efforts on these tools.

chemzqm commented 3 years ago
triggers the emmet completion if the popup is open, but if it's not open, it doesn't

It's expected, this extension does completion only, you can remap your <C-y>