neoclide / coc-vetur

Vue language server extension for coc.nvim
219 stars 7 forks source link

Vetur is unable to show type declaration for "this" in pages dirrectory. #72

Closed raveltan closed 3 years ago

raveltan commented 3 years ago

Vetur will report that types of properties inside of this keyword as any on pages/ (not including subdirs). Screenshot from 2021-06-04 00-17-35 Screenshot from 2021-06-04 00-17-08

chemzqm commented 3 years ago

Should be problem of your language server, checkout

raveltan commented 3 years ago

@chemzqm really sorry, i sent the wrong screenshot. the correct one is this one,

Screenshot from 2021-06-04 08-31-48 Screenshot from 2021-06-04 08-31-40

Are these also a problem about my language server?