neoclide / coc.nvim

Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
24.33k stars 956 forks source link

Unhandled method html/tag #3546

Closed SlysDev closed 2 years ago

SlysDev commented 2 years ago

Result from CocInfo

undefined## versions

vim version: NVIM v0.6.0 node version: v17.3.0 coc.nvim version: 0.0.80-f6a947a8eb coc.nvim directory: /Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim term: xterm-kitty platform: darwin

Log of coc.nvim

2022-01-04T11:40:29.063 INFO (pid:7778) [coc-git] - Looking for git in: git 2022-01-04T11:40:29.071 INFO (pid:7778) [services] - registered service "highlight" 2022-01-04T11:40:29.349 INFO (pid:7778) [plugin] - coc.nvim 0.0.80-f6a947a8eb initialized with node: v17.3.0 after 341ms 2022-01-04T11:40:29.855 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:40:47.289 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:40:55.786 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:40:56.938 INFO (pid:7778) [completion-complete] - Results from: around,snippets,tmuxcomplete 2022-01-04T11:40:57.262 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:41:55.883 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:42:05.022 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:42:07.127 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:42:07.914 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:42:14.093 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:42:30.059 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ 'UnhandledRejection: Unhandled method html/tag', 'Error: Unhandled method html/tag', ' at Ol (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nv', ' at yp (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nv', ' at Immediate. (/Users/someUser/.config/', ' at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:473:21)' ], visual: true, inclusive: true, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: '\x1654' }, 2, 1000 ] 2022-01-04T11:42:30.475 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:44:18.206 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: showInfo [] 2022-01-04T11:44:18.847 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:44:48.966 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ '## versions', '', 'vim version: NVIM v0.6.0', 'node version: v17.3.0', 'coc.nvim version: 0.0.80-f6a947a8eb', 'coc.nvim directory: /Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim', 'term: xterm-kitty', 'platform: darwin', '', '## Log of coc.nvim', '', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.063 INFO (pid:7778) [coc-git] - Looking for git in: git', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.071 INFO (pid:7778) [services] - registered service "highlight"', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.349 INFO (pid:7778) [plugin] - coc.nvim 0.0.80-f6a947a8eb initialized with node: v17.3.0 after 341ms', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.855 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:40:47.289 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:40:55.786 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:40:56.938 INFO (pid:7778) [completion-complete] - Results from: around,snippets,tmuxcomplete', '2022-01-04T11:40:57.262 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:41:55.883 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:05.022 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:07.127 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:07.914 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:14.093 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:30.059 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [', ' 2,', ' {', ' regcontents: [', " 'UnhandledRejection: Unhandled method html/tag',", " 'Error: Unhandled method html/tag',", " ' at Ol (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nv',", " ' at yp (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nv',", " ' at Immediate. (/Users/someUser/.config/',", " ' at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:473:21)'", ' ],', ' visual: true,', ' inclusive: true,', " regname: '',", " operator: 'y',", " regtype: '\x1654'", ' },', ' 2,', ' 1000', ']', '2022-01-04T11:42:30.475 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:44:18.206 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: showInfo []', '', '' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 3, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:44:49.328 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:45:35.894 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:47:03.835 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: codeActionRange [ 1, 1, 'quickfix' ] 2022-01-04T11:47:03.858 ERROR (pid:7778) [attach] - Notification error: codeActionRange [ 1, 1, 'quickfix' ] Error: current buffer 4 not attached at Dw.getCurrentState (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:42258) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async Zy.codeActionRange (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:242:4192) at async Rw.cocAction (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:55603) at async pF. (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:57209) 2022-01-04T11:47:04.163 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:47:09.362 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: openList [] 2022-01-04T11:47:13.347 WARN (pid:7778) [events] - Handler of InputChar blocked more than 2s: Error at HN.on (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:68:4173) at $V.init (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:227:32427) at Rw.init (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:54797) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async /Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:58134 2022-01-04T11:47:13.349 WARN (pid:7778) [events] - Handler of CursorMoved blocked more than 2s: Error at HN.on (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:68:4173) at IW.init (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:179:24208) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async Rw.init (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:54749) at async /Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:58134 2022-01-04T11:47:21.339 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ 'links' ] 2022-01-04T11:47:21.356 ERROR (pid:7778) [list-manager] - Error: Links provider not found. at Ty.loadItems (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:227:20630) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async gy.loadItems (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:220:26736) at async by.start (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:221:2773) at async $V.start (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:227:33570) at async Rw.cocAction (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:55603) at async pF. (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:256:57209) 2022-01-04T11:47:21.946 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:47:37.195 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: installExtensions [] 2022-01-04T11:47:37.515 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:47:49.941 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:47:56.365 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: openLocalConfig [] 2022-01-04T11:47:56.687 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:48:00.971 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: updateExtensions [] 2022-01-04T11:48:00.998 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:00.998 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:01.026 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:01.026 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:01.028 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:01.028 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:01.649 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.3.0 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:01.650 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:01.650 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:01.655 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 0.17.0 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:01.656 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:01.656 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:01.908 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 2.4.4 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:01.911 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:01.911 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:02.016 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.4.0 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:02.017 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:02.017 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:02.049 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.5.1 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:02.050 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:02.050 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:02.450 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.8.1 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:02.451 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:02.451 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:02.458 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.4.2 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:02.459 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:02.459 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:02.662 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.3.1 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:02.664 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:02.664 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:02.887 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.1.24 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:02.888 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:02.888 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:03.067 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.2.8 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:03.069 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:03.069 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:03.164 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.1.194 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:03.168 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:03.168 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:03.505 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 0.6.0 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:03.506 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:03.506 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:03.537 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 2.4.7 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:03.538 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:03.538 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:03.558 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.2.4 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:03.559 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:03.559 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:03.969 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.14.1 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:03.969 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Using npm from: /opt/homebrew/bin/npm 2022-01-04T11:48:03.969 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Get info from 2022-01-04T11:48:04.002 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.6.1 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:04.024 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.9.4 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:04.438 INFO (pid:7778) [model-installer] - Current version 1.2.0 is up to date. 2022-01-04T11:48:04.438 WARN (pid:7778) [plugin] - Slow action "updateExtensions" cost 3467ms 2022-01-04T11:48:04.842 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:49:36.162 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:49:38.811 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ '## versions', '', 'vim version: NVIM v0.6.0', 'node version: v17.3.0', 'coc.nvim version: 0.0.80-f6a947a8eb', 'coc.nvim directory: /Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim', 'term: xterm-kitty', 'platform: darwin', '', '## Log of coc.nvim', '', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.063 INFO (pid:7778) [coc-git] - Looking for git in: git', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.071 INFO (pid:7778) [services] - registered service "highlight"', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.349 INFO (pid:7778) [plugin] - coc.nvim 0.0.80-f6a947a8eb initialized with node: v17.3.0 after 341ms', '2022-01-04T11:40:29.855 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:40:47.289 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:40:55.786 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:40:56.938 INFO (pid:7778) [completion-complete] - Results from: around,snippets,tmuxcomplete', '2022-01-04T11:40:57.262 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:41:55.883 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:05.022 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:07.127 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:07.914 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:14.093 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:42:30.059 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [', ' 2,', ' {', ' regcontents: [', " 'UnhandledRejection: Unhandled method html/tag',", " 'Error: Unhandled method html/tag',", " ' at Ol (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nv',", " ' at yp (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nv',", " ' at Immediate. (/Users/someUser/.config/',", " ' at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:473:21)'", ' ],', ' visual: true,', ' inclusive: true,', " regname: '',", " operator: 'y',", " regtype: '\x1654'", ' },', ' 2,', ' 1000', ']', '2022-01-04T11:42:30.475 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight []', '2022-01-04T11:44:18.206 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: showInfo []', '', '' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 3, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:49:39.179 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:09.409 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:10.793 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:14.546 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ 'UnhandledRejection: Unhandled method html/tag', 'Error: Unhandled method html/tag', ' at Ol (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:37:224)', ' at yp (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11261)', ' at Immediate. (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11111)', ' at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:473:21)' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 2, 1000 ] 2022-01-04T11:50:14.927 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:55.450 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:58.077 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:58.078 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:58.078 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:58.091 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:50:58.956 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:02.455 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:04.517 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:06.360 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:07.585 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:08.388 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:10.153 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:11.080 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:14.535 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:18.142 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:18.901 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:19.414 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:20.067 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:40.771 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ "if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim'))", ' silent !curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.v', ' \', ' autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall | source $MYVIMRC', 'endif', '', "call plug#begin(expand('~/.config/nvim/plugged'))" ], visual: true, inclusive: true, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: '\x1650' }, 7, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:51:41.621 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:55.726 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:57.921 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:51:59.026 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:52:41.824 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ '', Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'} " LSP and more ], visual: false, inclusive: true, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 7, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:52:42.230 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:03.438 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:04.303 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:05.776 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ "Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim'", 'call plug#end()' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 7, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:53:06.182 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:08.088 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:08.518 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ 'call plug#end()', '"}}}' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 7, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:53:08.924 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:10.341 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:10.630 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ "Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim'", 'call plug#end()' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 7, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:53:11.036 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:12.543 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:42.166 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ 'call plug#end()' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 7, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:53:42.485 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:49.479 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:52.704 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:53:55.758 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ 'call plug#end()' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'y', regtype: 'V' }, 7, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:53:56.077 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:20.038 INFO (pid:7778) [services] - registered service "html" 2022-01-04T11:55:20.038 INFO (pid:7778) [services] - HTML language server state change: stopped => starting 2022-01-04T11:55:20.242 INFO (pid:7778) [services] - HTML language server state change: starting => running 2022-01-04T11:55:20.247 INFO (pid:7778) [services] - service html started 2022-01-04T11:55:20.644 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:23.486 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:23.982 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:24.433 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:24.964 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:26.330 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:27.310 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:28.665 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:29.987 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: doAutocmd [ 2, { regcontents: [ '

' ], visual: false, inclusive: false, regname: '', operator: 'd', regtype: 'V' }, 8, 1001 ] 2022-01-04T11:55:31.059 WARN (pid:7778) [plugin] - Slow action "doAutocmd" cost 1072ms 2022-01-04T11:55:32.399 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:34.216 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:55:36.272 INFO (pid:7778) [completion-complete] - Results from: around,buffer,snippets,syntax,tmuxcomplete 2022-01-04T11:55:37.408 ERROR (pid:7778) [server] - unhandledRejection Promise {

Lm [Error]: Unhandled method html/tag at Ol (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:37:224) at yp (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11261) at Immediate. (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11111) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:473:21) { code: -32601, data: undefined } } Lm [Error]: Unhandled method html/tag at Ol (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:37:224) at yp (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11261) at Immediate. (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11111) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:473:21) { code: -32601, data: undefined } 2022-01-04T11:56:40.553 INFO (pid:7778) [completion-complete] - Results from: around,buffer,snippets,tmuxcomplete 2022-01-04T11:56:41.158 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: stopCompletion [] 2022-01-04T11:56:41.159 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - Request action: doKeymap [ 'iPGJzPg==0' ] 2022-01-04T11:56:41.712 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - Request action: doKeymap [ 'iPGJzPg==0' ] 2022-01-04T11:56:48.767 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: highlight [] 2022-01-04T11:56:51.658 INFO (pid:7778) [attach] - receive notification: showInfo [] ## Describe the bug When creating an html file and attemping to use the autocomplete features for html elements (div, p, h1, etc.) it gives this error: UnhandledRejection: Unhandled method html/tag Error: Unhandled method html/tag at Ol (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:37:224) at yp (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11261) at Immediate. (/Users/someUser/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:36:11111) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:473:21) ## Reproduce the bug **We will close your issue when you don't provide minimal vimrc and we can't reproduce it** ## Copy this init.vim file: `" ============= Vim-Plug ============== "{{{ " auto-install vim-plug if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim')) silent !curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall | source $MYVIMRC endif call plug#begin(expand('~/.config/nvim/plugged')) "}}} " ================= looks and GUI stuff ================== "{{{ Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' " pretty icons everywhere Plug 'luochen1990/rainbow' " rainbow parenthesis Plug 'hzchirs/vim-material' " material color themes Plug 'gregsexton/MatchTag' " highlight matching html tags Plug 'Jorengarenar/vim-MvVis' " move visual selection "}}} " ================= Functionalities ================= "{{{ Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'} " LSP and more Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } } " fzf itself Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim' " fuzzy search integration Plug 'honza/vim-snippets' " actual snippets Plug 'Yggdroot/indentLine' " show indentation lines Plug 'numirias/semshi', {'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins'} " better python Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary' " better commenting Plug 'mhinz/vim-startify' " cool start up screen Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " git support Plug 'psliwka/vim-smoothie' " some very smooth ass scrolling Plug 'wellle/tmux-complete.vim' " complete words from a tmux panes Plug 'tpope/vim-eunuch' " run common Unix commands inside Vim Plug 'machakann/vim-sandwich' " make sandwiches Plug 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator' " seamless vim and tmux navigation Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': 'cd app && yarn install' } Plug 'memgraph/cypher.vim' Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim' call plug#end() "}}} " ==================== general config ======================== "{{{ set termguicolors " Opaque Background set mouse=a " enable mouse scrolling set clipboard+=unnamedplus " use system clipboard by default set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 autoindent " tab width set expandtab smarttab " tab key actions set incsearch ignorecase smartcase hlsearch " highlight text while searching set list listchars=trail:»,tab:»- " use tab to navigate in list mode set fillchars+=vert:\▏ " requires a patched nerd font (try FiraCode) set wrap breakindent " wrap long lines to the width set by tw set encoding=utf-8 " text encoding set number " enable numbers on the left set relativenumber " current line is 0 set title " tab title as file name set noshowmode " dont show current mode below statusline set noshowcmd " to get rid of display of last command set conceallevel=2 " set this so we wont break indentation plugin set splitright " open vertical split to the right set splitbelow " open horizontal split to the bottom set tw=90 " auto wrap lines that are longer than that set emoji " enable emojis set history=1000 " history limit set backspace=indent,eol,start " sensible backspacing set undofile " enable persistent undo set undodir=/tmp " undo temp file directory set foldlevel=0 " open all folds by default set inccommand=nosplit " visual feedback while substituting set showtabline=0 " always show tabline set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep " use rg as default grepper " performance tweaks set nocursorline set nocursorcolumn set scrolljump=5 set lazyredraw set redrawtime=10000 set synmaxcol=180 set re=1 set ttyfast " required by coc set hidden set nobackup set nowritebackup set cmdheight=1 set updatetime=300 set shortmess+=c set signcolumn=yes " Themeing colorscheme nord hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE hi Comment gui=italic cterm=italic " italic comments hi Search guibg=#b16286 guifg=#ebdbb2 gui=NONE " search string highlight color hi NonText guifg=bg " mask ~ on empty lines hi clear CursorLineNr " use the theme color for relative number hi CursorLineNr gui=bold " make relative number bold hi SpellBad guifg=NONE gui=bold,undercurl " misspelled words " colors for git (especially the gutter) hi DiffAdd guibg=#0f111a guifg=#43a047 hi DiffChange guibg=#0f111a guifg=#fdd835 hi DiffRemoved guibg=#0f111a guifg=#e53935 " coc multi cursor highlight color hi CocCursorRange guibg=#b16286 guifg=#ebdbb2 "}}} " ======================== Plugin Configurations ======================== "{{{ "" built in plugins let loaded_netrw = 0 " diable netew let g:omni_sql_no_default_maps = 1 " disable sql omni completion let g:loaded_python_provider = 0 let g:loaded_perl_provider = 0 let g:loaded_ruby_provider = 0 if glob('~/.python3') != '' let g:python3_host_prog = expand('~/.python3/bin/python') else let g:python3_host_prog = systemlist('which python3')[0] endif "" coc " Navigate snippet placeholders using tab let g:coc_snippet_next = '' let g:coc_snippet_prev = '' " list of the extensions to make sure are always installed let g:coc_global_extensions = [ \'coc-yank', \'coc-pairs', \'coc-json', \'coc-css', \'coc-html', \'coc-tsserver', \'coc-yaml', \'coc-lists', \'coc-snippets', \'coc-pyright', \'coc-clangd', \'coc-prettier', \'coc-xml', \'coc-syntax', \'coc-git', \'coc-marketplace', \'coc-highlight', \'coc-sh', \] " indentLine let g:indentLine_char_list = ['▏', '¦', '┆', '┊'] let g:indentLine_setColors = 0 let g:indentLine_setConceal = 0 " actually fix the annoying markdown links conversion let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = ['startify'] "" startify let g:startify_padding_left = 10 let g:startify_session_persistence = 1 let g:startify_enable_special = 0 let g:startify_change_to_vcs_root = 1 let g:startify_lists = [ \ { 'type': 'dir' }, \ { 'type': 'files' }, \ { 'type': 'sessions' }, \ { 'type': 'bookmarks' }, \ { 'type': 'commands' }, \ ] " bookmark examples let g:startify_bookmarks = [ \ {'v': '~/.config/nvim'}, \ {'d': '~/.dotfiles' } \ ] " custom commands let g:startify_commands = [ \ {'ch': ['Health Check', ':checkhealth']}, \ {'ps': ['Plugins status', ':PlugStatus']}, \ {'pu': ['Update vim plugins',':PlugUpdate | PlugUpgrade']}, \ {'uc': ['Update coc Plugins', ':CocUpdate']}, \ {'h': ['Help', ':help']}, \ ] " custom banner let g:startify_custom_header = [ \ '', \ ' ▟▙ ', \ ' ▝▘ ', \ ' ██▃▅▇█▆▖ ▗▟████▙▖ ▄████▄ ██▄ ▄██ ██ ▗▟█▆▄▄▆█▙▖', \ ' ██▛▔ ▝██ ██▄▄▄▄██ ██▛▔▔▜██ ▝██ ██▘ ██ ██▛▜██▛▜██', \ ' ██ ██ ██▀▀▀▀▀▘ ██▖ ▗██ ▜█▙▟█▛ ██ ██ ██ ██', \ ' ██ ██ ▜█▙▄▄▄▟▊ ▀██▙▟██▀ ▝████▘ ██ ██ ██ ██', \ ' ▀▀ ▀▀ ▝▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀', \ '', \ '', \ '', \] " rainbow brackets let g:rainbow_active = 1 " tmux navigator let g:tmux_navigator_no_mappings = 1 " semshi settings let g:semshi#error_sign = v:false " let ms python lsp handle this "" FZF let g:fzf_action = { \ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split', \ 'ctrl-x': 'split', \ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' } let g:fzf_layout = {'up':'~90%', 'window': { 'width': 0.8, 'height': 0.8,'yoffset':0.5,'xoffset': 0.5, 'border': 'sharp' } } let g:fzf_tags_command = 'ctags -R' let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS = '--layout=reverse --inline-info' let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = "rg --files --hidden --glob '!.git/**' --glob '!build/**' --glob '!.dart_tool/**' --glob '!.idea' --glob '!node_modules'" "}}} " ======================== Commands ============================= "{{{ au BufEnter * set fo-=c fo-=r fo-=o " stop annoying auto commenting on new lines au FileType help wincmd L " open help in vertical split au BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e " remove trailing whitespaces before saving au CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight') " highlight match on cursor hold " enable spell only if file type is normal text let spellable = ['markdown', 'gitcommit', 'txt', 'text', 'liquid', 'rst'] autocmd BufEnter * if index(spellable, &ft) < 0 | set nospell | else | set spell | endif " coc completion popup autocmd! CompleteDone * if pumvisible() == 0 | pclose | endif " startify if no passed argument or all buffers are closed augroup noargs " startify when there is no open buffer left autocmd BufDelete * if empty(filter(tabpagebuflist(), '!buflisted(v:val)')) | Startify | endif " open startify on start if no argument was passed autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 0 | Startify | endif augroup END " fzf if passed argument is a folder augroup folderarg " change working directory to passed directory autocmd VimEnter * if argc() != 0 && isdirectory(argv()[0]) | execute 'cd' fnameescape(argv()[0]) | endif " start startify (fallback if fzf is closed) autocmd VimEnter * if argc() != 0 && isdirectory(argv()[0]) | Startify | endif " start fzf on passed directory autocmd VimEnter * if argc() != 0 && isdirectory(argv()[0]) | execute 'Files ' fnameescape(argv()[0]) | endif augroup END " Return to last edit position when opening files autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal! g`\"" | \ endif " python renaming and folding augroup python autocmd FileType python nnoremap rn :Semshi rename autocmd FileType python set foldmethod=syntax autocmd FileType python syn sync fromstart autocmd FileType python syn region foldImports start='"""' end='"""' fold keepend augroup end " format with available file format formatter command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format') " organize imports command! -nargs=0 OR :call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport') " files in fzf command! -bang -nargs=? -complete=dir Files \ call fzf#vim#files(, fzf#vim#with_preview({'options': ['--layout=reverse', '--inline-info']}), 0) " advanced grep command! -nargs=* -bang Rg call RipgrepFzf(, 0) "}}} " ================== Custom Functions ===================== "{{{ " advanced grep(faster with preview) function! RipgrepFzf(query, fullscreen) let command_fmt = 'rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case %s || true' let initial_command = printf(command_fmt, shellescape(a:query)) let reload_command = printf(command_fmt, '{q}') let spec = {'options': ['--phony', '--query', a:query, '--bind', 'change:reload:'.reload_command]} call fzf#vim#grep(initial_command, 1, fzf#vim#with_preview(spec), a:fullscreen) endfunction " startify file icons function! StartifyEntryFormat() return 'WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(absolute_path) ." ". entry_path' endfunction " check if last inserted char is a backspace (used by coc pmenu) function! s:check_back_space() abort let col = col('.') - 1 return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s' endfunction " show docs on things with K function! s:show_documentation() if (index(['vim','help'], &filetype) >= 0) execute 'h '.expand('') else call CocAction('doHover') endif endfunction "}}} " ======================== Custom Mappings ====================== "{{{ "" the essentials let mapleader="," nnoremap ; : nmap \ q map :Startify nmap r :so ~/.config/nvim/init.vim nmap q :bd nmap w :w map s :Format nmap :bnext nmap :bprevious noremap e :PlugInstall noremap :q inoremap kj map i :edit ~/.config/nvim/init.vim " new line in normal mode and back map o map O " use a different register for delete and paste nnoremap d "_d vnoremap d "_d vnoremap p "_dP nnoremap x "_x " emulate windows copy, cut behavior vnoremap "+y vnoremap "+y vnoremap "+d " switch between splits using ctrl + {h,j,k,l} inoremap h inoremap j inoremap k inoremap l nnoremap h noremap j nnoremap k nnoremap l " disable hl with 2 esc noremap :noh " trim white spaces nnoremap :let _s=@/:%s/\s\+$//e:let @/=_s " markdown preview au FileType markdown nmap m :MarkdownPreview "" FZF nnoremap f :Files nmap b :Buffers nmap c :Commands nmap t :BTags nmap / :Rg nmap gc :Commits nmap gs :GFiles? nmap sh :History/ " show mapping on all modes with F1 nmap (fzf-maps-n) imap (fzf-maps-i) vmap (fzf-maps-x) "" coc " use tab to navigate snippet placeholders inoremap \ pumvisible() ? "\" : \ check_back_space() ? "\" : \ coc#refresh() inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" " Use enter to accept snippet expansion inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" " multi cursor shortcuts nmap (coc-cursors-word) xmap (coc-cursors-range) " Use `[g` and `]g` to navigate diagnostics nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev) nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next) " other stuff nmap rn (coc-rename) nmap o :OR " jump stuff nmap jd (coc-definition) nmap jy (coc-type-definition) nmap ji (coc-implementation) nmap jr (coc-references) " other coc actions nnoremap K :call show_documentation() nmap a (coc-codeaction-line) xmap a (coc-codeaction-selected) " fugitive mappings nmap gd :Gdiffsplit nmap gb :Git blame " tmux navigator nnoremap :TmuxNavigateLeft nnoremap :TmuxNavigateRight nnoremap :TmuxNavigateDown nnoremap :TmuxNavigateUp "}}} " ======================== Additional sourcing ====================== "{{{ source ~/.config/nvim/statusline.vim "}}} ` Run :PlugInstall Open a blank HTML file Try to complete html elements (div, p, h1, etc.) ## Screenshots (optional) Screen Shot 2022-01-04 at 11 48 23 AM Screen Shot 2022-01-04 at 11 45 54 AM
fannheyward commented 2 years ago

Move to