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How to select an item #4939

Closed guest73 closed 4 months ago

guest73 commented 4 months ago

I am using coc-java and when I want to generate getters/setters I trigger a list where particular fields can be selected. I have no idea how to make a selection there. Is it mentioned somewhere in the docs? I cannot find what key combinations selects/unselects an item.


fannheyward commented 4 months ago

What's your :CocInfo? The menus can be selected by space.

guest73 commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately space does not work. When I type space it filters the input ;(

Screenshot at 2024-03-13 14-44-36

fannheyward commented 4 months ago

Upgrade to vim 9,

guest73 commented 4 months ago

@fannheyward , Thanks, will try.

guest73 commented 2 months ago

Switching to Vim 9 did not help. Right now I am switching to Debian based distro, maybe there Vim 9 has a newer version.