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How to remove the highlights when using go references #5015

Closed Kaiser-Yang closed 1 month ago

Kaiser-Yang commented 1 month ago

I find when I use go references, the window's highlight is under the cursorline which cause it is hard to see.

I wonder how can I let the cursor line under the highlight or how can I remove the highlights.


fannheyward commented 1 month ago

You can override with custom hi group, check :h CocList for the hi groups used.

Kaiser-Yang commented 1 month ago

You can override with custom hi group, check :h CocList for the hi groups used.

  • CocListLine is used for current cursor line
  • CocListSearch for the matched characters, here's fill in your case

Thank you a lot.

Kaiser-Yang commented 1 month ago

You can override with custom hi group, check :h CocList for the hi groups used.

  • CocListLine is used for current cursor line
  • CocListSearch for the matched characters, here's fill in your case

I add this below after my colorscheme:

highlight CocListSearch ctermfg=blue ctermbg=237

The mached words did not change: image

And I've found that list.previewHighlightGroup in coc-settings.json can change the the matched word (fill here) in preview window.

I test CocListLine can change current line (with highlight CocListLine ctermfg=blue ctermbg=237): image

There is what I've done in my color shceme configuration (I use vimonedark): image

Actually, I just want the matched item be blue (fill here). Could you just help me more?