neoclide / coc.nvim

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coc.nvim takes up two shortcut keys that I prefer to use. #5022

Closed aszswaz closed 1 month ago

aszswaz commented 1 month ago

Result from CocInfo

vim version: NVIM v0.9.5 node version: v18.19.0 coc.nvim version: 0.0.82-2c7e7156

Describe the bug

I like to use to copy lines and to paste text, however coc.nvim takes them and I didn't find a way in :help coc-config to not let coc.nvim use them. Now I can only delete coc.nvim to bind them, and then register my own shortcut keys.

Reproduce the bug

  verbose imap <C-Y>
  verbose imap <C-P>

I think and are commonly used shortcut keys. Can you please keep them occupied?

coc.nvim binds and as 'coc#pum#confirm()', I think it is more appropriate to bind this function to .

fannheyward commented 1 month ago

You can set your <C-Y> mapping, coc.nvim will only set the mapping if not mapping found on it.