neoclide / coc.nvim

Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
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coc-definition: show "Finding references" until I press something #5057

Closed vitaly-zdanevich closed 1 week ago

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 week ago


Result from CocInfo

## versions

vim version: VIM - Vi IMproved 9.1 9010366
node version: v20.12.1
coc.nvim version: 0.0.82-7a50d4d9 2022-08-01 01:37:29 +0800
coc.nvim directory: /home/vitaly/.vim/pack/lsp/start/coc
term: dumb
platform: linux

## Log of coc.nvim

2024-06-25T14:07:38.396 INFO (pid:4857) [services] - registered service "pyright"
2024-06-25T14:07:38.401 INFO (pid:4857) [services] - Pyright Server state change: stopped => starting
2024-06-25T14:07:38.430 INFO (pid:4857) [plugin] - coc.nvim initialized with node: v20.12.1 after 391ms
2024-06-25T14:07:38.736 INFO (pid:4857) [services] - Pyright Server state change: starting => running
2024-06-25T14:07:38.744 INFO (pid:4857) [services] - service pyright started
2024-06-25T14:07:41.831 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:07:43.967 WARN (pid:4857) [plugin] - Slow action "jumpReferences" cost 2135ms
2024-06-25T14:07:43.967 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ '--normal', '--auto-preview', 'location' ]
2024-06-25T14:07:57.558 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:07:57.604 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ '--normal', '--auto-preview', 'location' ]
2024-06-25T14:08:59.960 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:09:01.791 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:09:01.833 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ '--normal', '--auto-preview', 'location' ]
2024-06-25T14:09:06.294 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:09:06.311 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ '--normal', '--auto-preview', 'location' ]
2024-06-25T14:09:52.337 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:09:52.350 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ '--normal', '--auto-preview', 'location' ]
2024-06-25T14:10:23.635 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:10:23.653 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ '--normal', '--auto-preview', 'location' ]
2024-06-25T14:35:13.335 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: jumpReferences []
2024-06-25T14:35:13.350 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: openList [ '--normal', '--auto-preview', 'location' ]
2024-06-25T14:37:05.018 INFO (pid:4857) [attach] - receive notification: showInfo []

I trid with mini.vim the same.

Python code.

fannheyward commented 1 week ago

~Can't reproduce, the Finding references floating window didn't came from coc.nvim.~

It's the progress notification from language server(here's Pyright), you can "notification.statusLineProgress": true to display the progress on status line, or disable the progress notification:

  "notification.disabledProgressSources": [
    "language-client-pyright" // or "*" for all