neoclide / coc.nvim

Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
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Ignoring `$NVIM_APPNAME` to generate files and directories #5070

Closed uga-rosa closed 15 hours ago

uga-rosa commented 4 days ago

Result from CocInfo

Describe the bug

In Neovim, $NVIM_APPNAME affects rtp, so the results of stdpath('config'), etc. also change. The configuration file ~/.config/${NVIM_APPNAME}/init.lua will be used, and so on. However, coc.nvim does not seem to take this into account, and :CocConfig opens ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json. Probably all the files and directories that coc.nvim automatically creates, besides :CocConfig, do not take $NVIM_APPNAME into account as well.

Reproduce the bug

We will close your issue when you don't provide minimal vimrc and we can't reproduce it

Screenshots (optional)

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

fannheyward commented 15 hours ago

coc-settings.json is located in stdpath('config'), other files created by coc.nvim are located in ~/.config/coc.