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Guide users to recommended ways of viewing minecraft sources #92

Open TelepathicGrunt opened 1 month ago

TelepathicGrunt commented 1 month ago

It is a common question from new users for how to view Minecraft sources. It would be nice to have a page that helps new modders know to use the tools of their IDE and where the mc source library itself is.

From there, the modders can learn more about their IDE which they can explore the IDE docs themselves for more stuff. We also then help them know what the recommended ways of viewing mc sources are (not trying to decompile mc source files from prod or something lol)

tmvkrpxl0 commented 1 month ago

Neogradle does output unpacked, decompiled Minecraft source. Perhaps should we include that for niche IDE users? I figured some wouldn't have java decompiler.