neogeny / TatSu

竜 TatSu generates Python parsers from grammars in a variation of EBNF
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Online yacc/lex grammar editor/tester #310

Closed mingodad closed 12 months ago

mingodad commented 12 months ago

I'm trying to build an online yacc/lex (LALR(1)) grammar editor/tester to help develop/debug/document grammars the main repository is here and the online playground with several non trivial examples is here .

Select a grammar/example from "Examples" select box and then click "Parse" to see a parser tree for the source in "Input source" editor.

It's based on and .

Any feedback is welcome !

The grammars available so far (with varying state of correctness):

dnicolodi commented 12 months ago

Why is this exactly reported as an issue on the TatSu repository? TatSu does not have anything to do with this effort, does it?

mingodad commented 12 months ago

It's not an issue, I'm looking for people interested in parsing and this is one place those people hang around.

dnicolodi commented 12 months ago

The page to which you had to navigate to create this entry is titled "Issues" and the button you had to press is labeled "New Issue". How did you get the idea that you were not creating an issue? This is not the venue for discussing parsing if not related to TatSu itself. You opening a large amount of issues against all Github projects you could find that mention parsing is an improper use of the platform.