neogeny / TatSu

竜 TatSu generates Python parsers from grammars in a variation of EBNF
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Parsing bytes doesn't work #346

Open gjask opened 1 week ago

gjask commented 1 week ago
In [1]: from tatsu import compile
   ...: parser = compile(r"""
   ...:     start       = text ;
   ...:     text        = { sentence }* ;
   ...:     sentence    = { word }+ { punctuation }* ;
   ...:     word        = /\w+/ ;
   ...:     punctuation = /[?!.,;\"']/ ;
   ...: """)

In [2]: parser.parse("Hello world!")
Out[2]: [(['Hello', 'world'], ['!'])]

In [3]: parser.parse(b"Hello world!")
Out[3]: [(['b'], ["'"]), (['Hello', 'world'], ['!', "'"])]

I hoped to be able to parse bytes instead of str because I am trying to use TatSu to parse file format that uses ASCII for data structure but also can contain strings in other encoding. The other encoding is specified in content of the file. So I should try to bytes.decode() these parts only after parsing what encoding is used.

I kinda expected to get TypeError or similar on this. But actual error behaviour is more interesting. It seem like TatSu parser tries to cast input data to str which in turn gets bytes.__repr__() return value instead of contents.

Would it be possible to implement accepting bytes as data for parsing? If not I guess there should be some kind of type check on input instead of blind cast to str which in turn leads to parsing python representation of incompatible types instead of data itself.

apalala commented 3 days ago

Let me think about this...

It may be solved by adding str() somewhere, but that would be a patch.

If someone could provide a pull request to deal with this, it would be ideal.