neoground / neowx-material

Revamp WeeWX with Neowx-Material, a modern Material Design skin offering a sleek, responsive UI, captivating graphs & advanced features.
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Problems with URL in footer #79

Closed stalkerGH closed 11 months ago

stalkerGH commented 11 months ago

I got problem with handling of URL in footer of theme. If URL contains hash symbol (#), URL is truncated during opening. I tried encoding it as %23 but it doesn't help.

Examples: - doesn't work, it opens only main page,19,7 - doesn't work, it opens main page

stalkerGH commented 11 months ago

I reply to myself and as record for future generations.

I have done small change in Now:

            <ul class="list-unstyled">

if $Extras.Footer.link1_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link1_label
  • end if

    if $Extras.Footer.link2_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link2_label
  • end if

    if $Extras.Footer.link3_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link3_label
  • end if

    if $Extras.Footer.link4_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link4_label
  • end if

    But I've changed it to:

                <ul class="list-unstyled">

    if $Extras.Footer.link1_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link1_label
  • end if

    if $Extras.Footer.link2_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link2_label
  • end if

    if $Extras.Footer.link3_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link3_label
  • end if

    if $Extras.Footer.link4_url != ""

  • $Extras.Footer.link4_label
  • end if

    Can you spot the difference? I changed every string href="$Extras.Footer.linkN_url" to href=$Extras.Footer.linkN_url - removed quotation marks surrounding link but added quotation marks to link in skin.conf:

    link2_label = Mapa opadów (IMGW)
    link2_url = ",21.034,7"  

    Problem is solved so I close the issue.