First off, great work.
Although I have found some problems regarding the ObjVolume-class, but it's quite an easy fix to replace StringBuilder with a simple string.
And float.TryParse requires some additional parameters such as setting the decimal-separator to use a dot instead. (My locale of my dev-machine is set to use swedish currency).
My suggestion here is:
CultureInfo ci = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Clone();
ci.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ".";
And then adding , NumberStyles.Any, ci, to every float.TryParse
bool success = float.TryParse(texcoordparts[0], NumberStyles.Any, ci, out vec.X);
As for my problem, I can't get the textures to work properly using OpenTK 3.0 (runtime-version 2.0.50727), the count for the texture-list remains zero.
Good to note, I also applied the above-fix for Material.cs, and I store my files in /data/Models/ and shaders in /data/Shaders/.
Any pointers are welcome, submitting this as an issue due to perhaps get the above-fix implemented
Hi! First off, great work. Although I have found some problems regarding the ObjVolume-class, but it's quite an easy fix to replace StringBuilder with a simple string. And float.TryParse requires some additional parameters such as setting the decimal-separator to use a dot instead. (My locale of my dev-machine is set to use swedish currency).
My suggestion here is:
And then adding
, NumberStyles.Any, ci,
to everyfloat.TryParse
Example:As for my problem, I can't get the textures to work properly using OpenTK 3.0 (runtime-version 2.0.50727), the count for the texture-list remains zero.
Good to note, I also applied the above-fix for Material.cs, and I store my files in
and shaders in/data/Shaders/
.Any pointers are welcome, submitting this as an issue due to perhaps get the above-fix implemented