neokoenig / RoomBooking

This is an open source application for booking rooms via a web based calendar, using cfWheels, Bootstrap3, jQuery, FullCalendar.js, and other bits. AKA the OxAlto RoomBooking System
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Multiple rooms per booking #15

Open sejtraav opened 10 years ago

sejtraav commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to choose multiple rooms/locations per booking? And event an option to choose all locations?

neokoenig commented 10 years ago

It's not really setup in the database that way (i.e a location hasMany events, but an event only belongs to a single location). I could make it so that you could control click to bulk select locations, but it would then create 3 (or how ever many) database rows for that event: the disadvantage being that when you wanted to edit the details, you'd have to do it for each entry.. plus if you've got say, 14 locations, it would display 14 entries for that day on the calendar.

Plus, I'm looking into creating multiple sites with multiple locations within them, so that might be an added level of complexity..

kcits commented 9 years ago

I second the multiple locations. And I too agree that is gets a little complicated, but starting with one and then having it make multiple entries for each event is acceptable.

I'm interested it your multiple sites, multiple locations...