Closed mattborghi closed 3 years ago
Hi, first of all awesome package. I really like using GraphQL in my projects and Diana.jl is really useful.
When I started reading the documentation, I thought mutations on the client side couldn't be made but, surprisingly, I could!
So, I propose adding explicitly this functionality for better understanding.
Here is a small example using SpaceX API
SpaceX API
using Random using Diana using Test GET_EMPTY_USER = """ query(\$name: String!){ users(where: {name: {_eq: \$name}}) { name rocket } } """ my_random_name = randstring(12) r = Queryclient("", GET_EMPTY_USER, vars=Dict("name" => my_random_name)) @test r.Info.status == 200 @test r.Data == "{\"data\":{\"users\":[]}}\n" CREATE_USER = """ mutation(\$name: String!, \$rocket: String! ) { insert_users(objects: {name: \$name, rocket: \$rocket}) { returning { name rocket } } } """ my_random_rocket = randstring(12) r1 = Queryclient("", CREATE_USER, vars=Dict("name" => my_random_name, "rocket" => my_random_rocket)) @test r1.Info.status == 200 @test r1.Data == "{\"data\":{\"insert_users\":{\"returning\":[{\"name\":\"$my_random_name\",\"rocket\":\"$my_random_rocket\"}]}}}\n" new_random_rocket = randstring(12) UPDATE_USER = """ mutation(\$name: String!, \$rocket: String!) { update_users(where: {name: {_eq: \$name}}, _set: {rocket: \$rocket}) { returning { name rocket } } } """ r2 = Queryclient("", UPDATE_USER, vars=Dict("name" => my_random_name, "rocket" => new_random_rocket)) @test r2.Info.status == 200 @test r2.Data == "{\"data\":{\"update_users\":{\"returning\":[{\"name\":\"$my_random_name\",\"rocket\":\"$new_random_rocket\"}]}}}\n"
hi @mattborghi, sorry to say I forgot to add the client side mutations in the docs; your example is very good and I will add it to the documentation. Thank you very much.
Hi, first of all awesome package. I really like using GraphQL in my projects and
is really useful.When I started reading the documentation, I thought mutations on the client side couldn't be made but, surprisingly, I could!
So, I propose adding explicitly this functionality for better understanding.
Here is a small example using
SpaceX API