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Capturing a function to call it later? #1017

Closed alshdavid closed 6 months ago

alshdavid commented 6 months ago

Hi, I am exporting a register_plugin function that takes a function as an argument, captures it and intends to call it later.

At the moment I am just trying to store one function handle in Rust - eventually I will keep a store functions per worker thread and coordinate calling them in their own module context in Rust via channels.

At the moment I am failing on the first step where I am trying to capture a function handle in Rust.

Right now I am trying something like this:

const lib = require('./index.node')
lib.register_plugin(() => console.log('hi'))
fn register_plugin(function_handle: Rc<RefCell<Option<Handle<JsFunction>>>>) -> impl Fn(FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsUndefined> {
  move |mut cx|  {
    let arg0: Handle<JsFunction> = cx.argument(0)?;

fn bootstrap(function_handle: Rc<RefCell<Option<Handle<JsFunction>>>>) -> impl Fn(FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsUndefined> {
  move |mut cx|  {
    let func = function_handle.borrow_mut().take().unwrap();
    let result: Handle<JsUndefined> = func.call_with(&mut cx).apply(&mut cx)?;

fn main(mut cx: ModuleContext) -> NeonResult<()> {
    // Not sure if the Rc<RefCell<T>> is needed
    let mut function_handle = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None::<Handle<JsFunction>>));
    cx.export_function("register_plugin", register_plugin(function_handle))?;
    cx.export_function("bootstrap", bootstrap(function_handle))?;

Alternatively, can I call a function registered on a global variable?

globalThis.pluginFunc = () => console.log('hi')

That way I can keep the index of functions on the JS side and simply call them from fn main() in Rust (assuming require('./index.node) happens after the values are available?)

alshdavid commented 6 months ago

This works:

globalThis.pluginFunc = () => console.log('hi')
fn main(mut cx: ModuleContext) -> NeonResult<()> {
    let value = cx, "pluginFunc").unwrap();
    let value: Handle<JsFunction> = value.downcast(&mut cx).unwrap();

    let result: Handle<JsString> = value
      .call_with(&mut cx)
      .apply(&mut cx)?;

kjvalencik commented 6 months ago

Yep, that is correct for calling a function. If you need to hold the function permanently, the Root type can be used for that. js_func.root().

If you need to call into JS from a Rust thread, the Channel type helps with that.

alshdavid commented 6 months ago

I am trying to call a JS function on different threads to build a javascript "plugin API" for a Rust based project - so I need to orchestrate everything from my main napi thread but call into functions that live on the worker thread contexts.

Right now I am using a static global variable to hold channels and have the main JS napi instance message the JS worker napi modules - but is it possible to wrap the function pointers from the workers in a struct/scope, store it in the global static variable, and call them from main?

Something like

let ctx_func = cx, "callback").unwrap();
let ctx_func: Handle<JsFunction> = ctx_func.downcast(&mut cx).unwrap();

// I know this doesn't work but you get what I'm trying to achieve
let call_callback = || {
  let result = ctx_func
    .call_with(&mut cx)
    .apply::<JsObject, FunctionContext>(&mut cx)?;

  let file_path: Handle<JsString> = result
    .downcast(&mut cx)

  return file_path.value(&mut cx);


Current implementation

Plugin to be loaded dynamically

Javascript entrypoint

Napi function that runs on the main Node context

Napi function that runs on the worker Node context

Bonus question How do I resolve a promise from napi so I can make the plugin support async/await syntax?

kjvalencik commented 6 months ago

but is it possible to wrap the function pointers from the workers in a struct/scope, store it in the global static variable, and call them from main? Workers are distinct JS runtimes running on a different thread. Unfortunately, it's not possible to call directly into them from the main thread.

It doesn't need to be a global static. It could be in a JsBox that JS holds or it could use Neon's equivalent to thread local storage, but it still requires a Channel to call into the other thread.

Alternatively, you could use standard message passing between themain thread and the worker.

How do I resolve a promise from napi so I can make the plugin support async/await syntax?

alshdavid commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your help, I know they are basic questions and I really appreciate the support 🙏