neon-mmd / websurfx

:rocket: An open source alternative to searx which provides a modern-looking :sparkles:, lightning-fast :zap:, privacy respecting :disguised_face:, secure :lock: meta search engine
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
708 stars 91 forks source link

🐛 Undeclared `mini-mocha` crate error when building the app with features other than `memory-cache` #493

Closed neon-mmd closed 7 months ago

neon-mmd commented 7 months ago


Work Expected From The Issue

Provide a fix for the undeclared mini-mocha crate error on compiling the app with all the features other than memory-cache by putting the mini-mocha import line under the cfg attribute of memory-cache. So that this import line code only gets included when the app is build with the memory-cache feature.

The issue expects the following files to be modified:

[!Note] All the above listed files to be modified are located under the codebase (websurfx directory).

Reasons Behind These Changes

The reason behind having these changes is to fix the error that got mistakenly introduced via the recently merged PR #492. Also, By working on this issue it helps improve the user experience.

Sample Code

The changes that should be made in the file is shown below:

//! This module provides the functionality to cache the aggregated results fetched and aggregated
//! from the upstream search engines in a json format.

use error_stack::Report;
#[cfg(feature = "memory-cache")]
use mini_moka::sync::Cache as MokaCache;
+ #[cfg(feature = "memory-cache")]
use mini_moka::sync::ConcurrentCacheExt;

#[cfg(feature = "memory-cache")]
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;

use crate::{config::parser::Config, models::aggregation_models::SearchResults};

use super::error::CacheError;
#[cfg(feature = "redis-cache")]
use super::redis_cacher::RedisCache;

#[cfg(any(feature = "encrypt-cache-results", feature = "cec-cache-results"))]
use super::encryption::*;

/// Abstraction trait for common methods provided by a cache backend.
pub trait Cacher: Send + Sync {
    // A function that builds the cache from the given configuration.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `config` - It takes the config struct as an argument.
    /// # Returns
    /// It returns a newly initialized backend based on the feature enabled by the user.
    async fn build(config: &Config) -> Self
        Self: Sized;

    /// A function which fetches the cached json results as json string.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `url` - It takes an url as a string.
    /// # Error
    /// Returns the `SearchResults` from the cache if the program executes normally otherwise
    /// returns a `CacheError` if the results cannot be retrieved from the cache.
    async fn cached_results(&mut self, url: &str) -> Result<SearchResults, Report<CacheError>>;

    /// A function which caches the results by using the `url` as the key and
    /// `json results` as the value and stores it in the cache
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `json_results` - It takes the json results string as an argument.
    /// * `url` - It takes the url as a String.
    /// # Error
    /// Returns a unit type if the program caches the given search results without a failure
    /// otherwise it returns a `CacheError` if the search results cannot be cached due to a
    /// failure.
    async fn cache_results(
        &mut self,
        search_results: &[SearchResults],
        urls: &[String],
    ) -> Result<(), Report<CacheError>>;

    /// A helper function which computes the hash of the url and formats and returns it as string.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `url` - It takes an url as string.
    fn hash_url(&self, url: &str) -> String {

    /// A helper function that returns  either encrypted or decrypted results.
    ///  Feature flags (**encrypt-cache-results or cec-cache-results**) are required  for this to work.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `bytes` - It takes a slice of bytes as an argument.
    /// * `encrypt` - A boolean to choose whether to encrypt or decrypt the bytes

    /// # Error
    /// Returns  either encrypted or decrypted bytes on success otherwise it returns a CacheError
    /// on failure.
      //  feature = "compress-cache-results",
        feature = "encrypt-cache-results",
        feature = "cec-cache-results"
    fn encrypt_or_decrypt_results(
        &mut self,
        mut bytes: Vec<u8>,
        encrypt: bool,
    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Report<CacheError>> {
        use chacha20poly1305::{
            aead::{Aead, AeadCore, KeyInit, OsRng},

        let cipher = CIPHER.get_or_init(|| {
            let key = ChaCha20Poly1305::generate_key(&mut OsRng);

        let encryption_key = ENCRYPTION_KEY.get_or_init(
            || ChaCha20Poly1305::generate_nonce(&mut OsRng), // 96-bits; unique per message

        bytes = if encrypt {
                .encrypt(encryption_key, bytes.as_ref())
                .map_err(|_| CacheError::EncryptionError)?
        } else {
                .decrypt(encryption_key, bytes.as_ref())
                .map_err(|_| CacheError::EncryptionError)?


    /// A helper function that returns compressed results.
    /// Feature flags (**compress-cache-results or cec-cache-results**) are required  for this to work.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `bytes` - It takes a slice of bytes as an argument.

    /// # Error
    /// Returns the compressed bytes on success otherwise it returns a CacheError
    /// on failure.
    #[cfg(any(feature = "compress-cache-results", feature = "cec-cache-results"))]
    fn compress_results(&mut self, mut bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Report<CacheError>> {
        use std::io::Write;
        let mut writer = brotli::CompressorWriter::new(Vec::new(), 4096, 11, 22);
            .map_err(|_| CacheError::CompressionError)?;
        bytes = writer.into_inner();

    /// A helper function that returns compressed-encrypted results.
    /// Feature flag (**cec-cache-results**) is required  for this to work.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `bytes` - It takes a slice of bytes as an argument.

    /// # Error
    /// Returns the compressed and encrypted bytes on success otherwise it returns a CacheError
    /// on failure.
    #[cfg(feature = "cec-cache-results")]
    fn compress_encrypt_compress_results(
        &mut self,
        mut bytes: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Report<CacheError>> {
        // compress first
        bytes = self.compress_results(bytes)?;
        // encrypt
        bytes = self.encrypt_or_decrypt_results(bytes, true)?;

        // compress again;
        bytes = self.compress_results(bytes)?;


    /// A helper function that returns compressed results.
    /// Feature flags (**compress-cache-results or cec-cache-results**) are required  for this to work.
    /// If bytes where
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `bytes` - It takes a slice of bytes as an argument.

    /// # Error
    /// Returns the uncompressed bytes on success otherwise it returns a CacheError
    /// on failure.

    #[cfg(any(feature = "compress-cache-results", feature = "cec-cache-results"))]
    fn decompress_results(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Report<CacheError>> {
        cfg_if::cfg_if! {
             if #[cfg(feature = "compress-cache-results")]

            else if  #[cfg(feature = "cec-cache-results")]
                let decompressed = decompress_util(bytes)?;
                let decrypted = self.encrypt_or_decrypt_results(decompressed, false)?;



    /// A helper function that compresses or encrypts search results before they're inserted into a cache store

    /// # Arguments
    /// * `search_results` - A reference to the search_Results to process.

    /// # Error
    /// Returns a Vec of compressed or encrypted bytes on success otherwise it returns a CacheError
    /// on failure.
    fn pre_process_search_results(
        &mut self,
        search_results: &SearchResults,
    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Report<CacheError>> {
        #[allow(unused_mut)] // needs to be mutable when any of the features is enabled
        let mut bytes: Vec<u8> = search_results.try_into()?;
        #[cfg(feature = "compress-cache-results")]
            let compressed = self.compress_results(bytes)?;
            bytes = compressed;

        #[cfg(feature = "encrypt-cache-results")]
            let encrypted = self.encrypt_or_decrypt_results(bytes, true)?;
            bytes = encrypted;

        #[cfg(feature = "cec-cache-results")]
            let compressed_encrypted_compressed = self.compress_encrypt_compress_results(bytes)?;
            bytes = compressed_encrypted_compressed;


    /// A helper function that decompresses or decrypts search results after they're fetched from the cache-store

    /// # Arguments
    /// * `bytes` - A Vec of bytes stores in the cache.

    /// # Error
    /// Returns the SearchResults struct on success otherwise it returns a CacheError
    /// on failure.

    #[allow(unused_mut)] // needs to be mutable when any of the features is enabled
    fn post_process_search_results(
        &mut self,
        mut bytes: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<SearchResults, Report<CacheError>> {
        #[cfg(feature = "compress-cache-results")]
            let decompressed = self.decompress_results(&bytes)?;
            bytes = decompressed

        #[cfg(feature = "encrypt-cache-results")]
            let decrypted = self.encrypt_or_decrypt_results(bytes, false)?;
            bytes = decrypted

        #[cfg(feature = "cec-cache-results")]
            let decompressed_decrypted = self.decompress_results(&bytes)?;
            bytes = decompressed_decrypted;


/// A helper function that returns compressed results.
/// Feature flags (**compress-cache-results or cec-cache-results**) are required  for this to work.
/// If bytes where
/// # Arguments
/// * `bytes` - It takes a slice of bytes as an argument.

/// # Error
/// Returns the uncompressed bytes on success otherwise it returns a CacheError
/// on failure.

#[cfg(any(feature = "compress-cache-results", feature = "cec-cache-results"))]
fn decompress_util(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Report<CacheError>> {
    use std::io::Write;
    let mut writer = brotli::DecompressorWriter::new(Vec::new(), 4096);

        .map_err(|_| CacheError::CompressionError)?;
    let bytes = writer
        .map_err(|_| CacheError::CompressionError)?;

#[cfg(feature = "redis-cache")]
impl Cacher for RedisCache {
    async fn build(config: &Config) -> Self {
            "Initialising redis cache. Listening to {}",
        RedisCache::new(&config.redis_url, 5, config.cache_expiry_time)
            .expect("Redis cache configured")

    async fn cached_results(&mut self, url: &str) -> Result<SearchResults, Report<CacheError>> {
        use base64::Engine;
        let hashed_url_string: &str = &self.hash_url(url);
        let base64_string = self.cached_json(hashed_url_string).await?;

        let bytes = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD_NO_PAD
            .map_err(|_| CacheError::Base64DecodingOrEncodingError)?;

    async fn cache_results(
        &mut self,
        search_results: &[SearchResults],
        urls: &[String],
    ) -> Result<(), Report<CacheError>> {
        use base64::Engine;

        // size of search_results is expected to be equal to size of urls -> key/value pairs  for cache;
        let search_results_len = search_results.len();

        let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(search_results_len);

        for result in search_results {
            let processed = self.pre_process_search_results(result)?;

        let base64_strings = bytes
            .map(|bytes_vec| base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD_NO_PAD.encode(bytes_vec));

        let mut hashed_url_strings = Vec::with_capacity(search_results_len);

        for url in urls {
            let hash = self.hash_url(url);
        self.cache_json(base64_strings, hashed_url_strings.into_iter())
/// TryInto implementation for SearchResults from Vec<u8>
use std::convert::TryInto;

impl TryInto<SearchResults> for Vec<u8> {
    type Error = CacheError;

    fn try_into(self) -> Result<SearchResults, Self::Error> {
        serde_json::from_slice(&self).map_err(|_| CacheError::SerializationError)

impl TryInto<Vec<u8>> for &SearchResults {
    type Error = CacheError;

    fn try_into(self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Self::Error> {
        serde_json::to_vec(self).map_err(|_| CacheError::SerializationError)

/// Memory based cache backend.
#[cfg(feature = "memory-cache")]
pub struct InMemoryCache {
    /// The backend cache which stores data.
    cache: MokaCache<String, Vec<u8>>,

#[cfg(feature = "memory-cache")]
impl Cacher for InMemoryCache {
    async fn build(config: &Config) -> Self {
        log::info!("Initialising in-memory cache");

        InMemoryCache {
            cache: MokaCache::builder()

    async fn cached_results(&mut self, url: &str) -> Result<SearchResults, Report<CacheError>> {
        let hashed_url_string = self.hash_url(url);
        match self.cache.get(&hashed_url_string) {
            Some(res) => self.post_process_search_results(res),
            None => Err(Report::new(CacheError::MissingValue)),

    async fn cache_results(
        &mut self,
        search_results: &[SearchResults],
        urls: &[String],
    ) -> Result<(), Report<CacheError>> {
        for (url, search_result) in urls.iter().zip(search_results.iter()) {
            let hashed_url_string = self.hash_url(url);
            let bytes = self.pre_process_search_results(search_result)?;
            self.cache.insert(hashed_url_string, bytes);


/// Cache backend which utilises both memory and redis based caches.
/// The hybrid cache system uses both the types of cache to ensure maximum availability.
/// The set method sets the key, value pair in both the caches. Therefore in a case where redis
/// cache becomes unavailable, the backend will retreive the value from in-memory cache.
#[cfg(all(feature = "memory-cache", feature = "redis-cache"))]
pub struct HybridCache {
    /// The in-memory backend cache which stores data.
    memory_cache: InMemoryCache,
    /// The redis backend cache which stores data.
    redis_cache: RedisCache,

#[cfg(all(feature = "memory-cache", feature = "redis-cache"))]
impl Cacher for HybridCache {
    async fn build(config: &Config) -> Self {
        log::info!("Initialising hybrid cache");
        HybridCache {
            memory_cache: InMemoryCache::build(config).await,
            redis_cache: RedisCache::build(config).await,

    async fn cached_results(&mut self, url: &str) -> Result<SearchResults, Report<CacheError>> {
        match self.redis_cache.cached_results(url).await {
            Ok(res) => Ok(res),
            Err(_) => self.memory_cache.cached_results(url).await,

    async fn cache_results(
        &mut self,
        search_results: &[SearchResults],
        urls: &[String],
    ) -> Result<(), Report<CacheError>> {
        self.redis_cache.cache_results(search_results, urls).await?;
            .cache_results(search_results, urls)


/// Dummy cache backend
pub struct DisabledCache;

impl Cacher for DisabledCache {
    async fn build(_config: &Config) -> Self {
        log::info!("Caching is disabled");

    async fn cached_results(&mut self, _url: &str) -> Result<SearchResults, Report<CacheError>> {

    async fn cache_results(
        &mut self,
        _search_results: &[SearchResults],
        _urls: &[String],
    ) -> Result<(), Report<CacheError>> {

/// A structure to efficiently share the cache between threads - as it is protected by a Mutex.
pub struct SharedCache {
    /// The internal cache protected from concurrent access by a mutex
    cache: Mutex<Box<dyn Cacher>>,

impl SharedCache {
    /// A function that creates a new `SharedCache` from a Cache implementation.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `cache` - It takes the `Cache` enum variant as an argument with the prefered cache type.
    /// Returns a newly constructed `SharedCache` struct.
    pub fn new(cache: impl Cacher + 'static) -> Self {
        Self {
            cache: Mutex::new(Box::new(cache)),

    /// A getter function which retrieves the cached SearchResulsts from the internal cache.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `url` - It takes the search url as an argument which will be used as the key to fetch the
    /// cached results from the cache.
    /// # Error
    /// Returns a `SearchResults` struct containing the search results from the cache if nothing
    /// goes wrong otherwise returns a `CacheError`.
    pub async fn cached_results(&self, url: &str) -> Result<SearchResults, Report<CacheError>> {
        let mut mut_cache = self.cache.lock().await;

    /// A setter function which caches the results by using the `url` as the key and
    /// `SearchResults` as the value.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `search_results` - It takes the `SearchResults` as an argument which are results that
    /// needs to be cached.
    /// * `url` - It takes the search url as an argument which will be used as the key for storing
    /// results in the cache.
    /// # Error
    /// Returns an unit type if the results are cached succesfully otherwise returns a `CacheError`
    /// on a failure.
    pub async fn cache_results(
        search_results: &[SearchResults],
        urls: &[String],
    ) -> Result<(), Report<CacheError>> {
        let mut mut_cache = self.cache.lock().await;
        mut_cache.cache_results(search_results, urls).await

/// A function to initialise the cache backend.
pub async fn create_cache(config: &Config) -> impl Cacher {
    #[cfg(all(feature = "redis-cache", feature = "memory-cache"))]
    return HybridCache::build(config).await;

    #[cfg(all(feature = "memory-cache", not(feature = "redis-cache")))]
    return InMemoryCache::build(config).await;

    #[cfg(all(feature = "redis-cache", not(feature = "memory-cache")))]
    return RedisCache::build(config).await;

    #[cfg(not(any(feature = "memory-cache", feature = "redis-cache")))]
    return DisabledCache::build(config).await;


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