In Azure we need to run Dualstack AKS at some point because that is the way to provision a dualstack NLB for AKS. There is no "bring your NLB" for AKS right now.
This skips ipv6 addresses during initialization, because autoscaler does not need ipv6, and the following lines do not work with ipv6 resulting in an error.
Coverage by file
### Changed files (no unit tests)
| Changed File | Coverage Δ | Total | Covered | Missed | :robot: |
| | 0.00% (ø) | 134 (+3) | 0 | 134 (+3) | |
_Please note that the "Total", "Covered", and "Missed" counts above refer to ***code statements*** instead of lines of code. The value in brackets refers to the test coverage of that file in the old version of the code._
In Azure we need to run Dualstack AKS at some point because that is the way to provision a dualstack NLB for AKS. There is no "bring your NLB" for AKS right now.
This skips ipv6 addresses during initialization, because autoscaler does not need ipv6, and the following lines do not work with ipv6 resulting in an error.