neondatabase / neon

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add commit hash to S3 object identifier for artifacts on S3 #8161

Closed Bodobolero closed 3 days ago

Bodobolero commented 3 days ago

In future we may want to run periodic tests on dedicated cloud instances that are not GitHub action runners. To allow these to download artifact binaries for a specific commit hash we want to make the search by commit hash possible and prefix the S3 objects with artifacts/${GITHUB_SHA}/${GITHUB_RUN_ID}/${GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT}

github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

2910 tests run: 2793 passed, 0 failed, 117 skipped (full report)

Code coverage* (full report)

* collected from Rust tests only

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050dd70dd490b28fffe527eae9fb8a1222b5c59c at 2024-06-25T21:31:20.260Z :recycle: