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MQTT pub issue #124

Open seblinux-enod opened 3 years ago

seblinux-enod commented 3 years ago


I try to perform a simply MQTT test with lowjs with a roover esp32 8 MB.

I can connect, subscribe to a mqtt broker. I can see in the monitor all payload publish with an other computer. I code a function to publish any 5 sec on the same topic but I canot see anything. No error also.

somone knows this issue ?


ThomasRogg commented 3 years ago

This question is far to general to answer.

First, I would try the same code with Node.JS on a PC. If that does not work, the problem has nothing to do with low.js. If it works, it might be low.js which is doing something wrong. Then I would step through the code, maybe with console.logs and figure out where exactly things behave differently.

seblinux-enod commented 3 years ago


The code is working with node.js on a pc, no problem to publish in local mqtt broker...


seblinux-enod commented 3 years ago


for the publish I have to do a : client.connect before the publish.

so I think that there are a probleme with the mqtt connection or with the main loop but for my side I think it is not the mail loop because I put a counter and it is increase when I do the pub...


ThomasRogg commented 3 years ago

So you have a workaround with the client.connect?

Interesting to read your story, but I cannot really help without more input.

studiobts commented 3 years ago

I had a similar issue:

After a fast seach into MQTT.js code, i have enabled debug messages and i have found that, for some reason (i have not investigated), the messages are put in a queue/buffer instead of being sent.

As a fast workaround i have added this line of code before a publish call (disabling the use of queue/buffer):

// mqtt is the client instance returned after a connect
mqtt._storeProcessing = false;  
mqtt.publish(topic, value, {qos: 1, retain: true});
ThomasRogg commented 3 years ago

You might want to try the new version 1.6.1, flashable now on ESP32. The PC version is not available yet, will be in a day or so.

A fix I did might help you here. Or might not, I do not know.