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Add a soft wrap width option #3784

Closed JelteF closed 8 years ago

JelteF commented 8 years ago

Currently vim soft wraps lines at the width of the screen. I would like to have an option to specify a column width where should be wrapped so my full screen terminal is not filled with text.

mhinz commented 8 years ago

Like :h 'textwidth'? (Also have a look at :h 'linebreak'.)

JelteF commented 8 years ago

No, that way it will hard wrap, adding a new line charactar, at that point. I want a width at which a long line will continue on the following line in vim, but without adding a new line.

The only thing I can find that is related is this However, this resizes the terminal, which is not what I want. I want it to display an empty terminal on the rest of the screen.

justinmk commented 8 years ago

Just create a new vertical window, or use something like goyo.vim.

glow12121 commented 1 year ago

As someone who edits long markdown texts in Neovim, I agree that soft-wrapping texts at a given line length is very useful functionality.

Something like max-width in html or wrap_width in Sublime Text.

Opening split windows is a workaround that isn't convenient.

Hope this functionality is added eventually:

codr1 commented 1 month ago

:lua vim.opt.columns = 120

This will set your columns to 120 for the whole Neovim. So if you have 5 characters for line numbers and 1 for flags, you will effectively have 114 in this case.

You can then set :lua vim.opt_local_colorcolumn='114' for example.

Resizing the window after you do this will blow it up again. I am looking to do some sort of auto command, but this should get you started.