neovim / nvim-lspconfig

Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP
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Arduino Language Server does not attach #3209

Closed mike-lloyd03 closed 2 weeks ago

mike-lloyd03 commented 2 weeks ago


I have followed all of the instructions for setting up arduino-language-server. But when I open an arduino file in nvim, the client does not attach.


 Press q or <Esc> to close this window. Press <Tab> to view server doc.

 Language client log: /home/mike/.local/state/nvim/lsp.log
 Detected filetype:   arduino

 0 client(s) attached to this buffer: 

 Other clients that match the filetype: arduino

 Config: arduino_language_server
    filetypes:         arduino
    root directory:    /home/mike/repos/hoverboard-firmware
    cmd:               /usr/bin/arduino-language-server
    cmd is executable: true
    autostart:         true
    custom handlers:   

 Configured servers list: arduino_language_server, typst_lsp, nil_ls, kotlin_language_server, ccls, jsonls, eslint, tsserver, pyright, gopls, bashls, ansiblels, lua_ls, svelte

The client is recognized but it will not attach to the file. LspStart does nothing.


[START][2024-06-19 15:06:51] LSP logging initiated
[ERROR][2024-06-19 15:06:51] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:770    "rpc"   "/usr/bin/arduino-language-server"  "stderr"    "15:06:51.296123 ArduinoCLI config file found at /home/mike/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml\n15:06:51.296203 arduino-cli found at /usr/bin/arduino-cli\n15:06:51.296240 clangd found at /usr/bin/clangd\n15:06:51.296311 \27[97mLS: : Initial board configuration: \27[0m\n15:06:51.296317 \27[97mLS: : arduino-language-server Version: 0.0.0-git Commit:  Date: \27[0m\n15:06:51.296351 \27[97mLS: : Language server temp directory: /tmp/arduino-language-server3308433109\27[0m\n15:06:51.296357 \27[97mLS: : Language server build path: /tmp/arduino-language-server3308433109/build\27[0m\n15:06:51.296360 \27[97mLS: : Language server build sketch root: /tmp/arduino-language-server3308433109/build/sketch\27[0m\n15:06:51.296362 \27[97mLS: : Language server FULL build path: /tmp/arduino-language-server3308433109/fullbuild\27[0m\n15:06:51.296947 IN Elapsed: 507.876µs\n15:06:51.297085 \27[92mIDE --> LS REQU initialize 1\27[0m\n"

It looks like the language server outputs text on stderr. Is it possible that nvim is interpreting output on stderr as an error?

Relevant config:


It appears that the LSP is running:

$ procs arduino 

 PID:▲  User │ TTY CPU MEM CPU Time │ Command
             │     [%] [%]          │
 290410 mike │     0.0 0.0 00:00:00 │ /usr/bin/arduino-language-server
fspv commented 2 weeks ago

Same here. Literally debugging the same problem right now. Everything seems to be working, but the buffer doesn't attach. I assume that arduino might require certain files, but not sure what else does it need apart from

fspv commented 2 weeks ago

Found this

Somebody says it is something broken in nvim 0.10, and 0.9.5 works well. Haven't tried this myself

fspv commented 2 weeks ago

Described the bug here

It is not related to the nvim, but rather caused by the outdated library, which doesn't support new LSP capabilities added in nvim 0.10

mike-lloyd03 commented 2 weeks ago

You are correct. I downgraded to nvim 0.9.5 and the LS is working.

Kinda funny that we were having the same problem at the same time. Thanks for your help!