neovimhaskell / haskell-vim

Custom Haskell Vimscripts
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Syntax Highlighting not working #117

Open dataO1 opened 4 years ago

dataO1 commented 4 years ago

The syntax highlighting doesnt seem to work. Im using NVIM v0.4.3 and started from a plain init.vim file, with just the minimal requirements for this plugin (pathogen installation).

Heres a screenshot(the styling comes from my terminal, which is 'kitty'):


tankorsmash commented 2 years ago

Maybe this isn't supposed on regular Vim (gvim8.2 on Windows), but isn't working for me either. Not sure how to debug this to add more info, in case these are related. image

and :syntax lists a bunch of haskell-specific looking things image

edit midquestion: it appears that my color scheme is to blame. :colo gruvbox was above. :colo molokai image and :colo solarized


look fine. So maybe this is a user-issue after all.