Closed s2021369 closed 8 years ago
Hi, I have some problem to make KTera running. I get a "AttachAuth error 20000" when I try to run the launcher (with and without using a korean VPN). Do you have an idea / do you have a tutorial on how to properly create an account / install nexon ktera for someone who doesn't know a single word of korean? x)
you can use Official Website to start game
hu, from the website I get "테라는 18세 이용가 게임물입니다.". Look like I somehow need to validate that I m over 18? Any way to do that?
You need an adult account
Okey, seems that I need a korean phone number / id to validate the account (=> google traduct). I don't have any, sooo. In order to make this meter work, you will need to find someone who play on KTera & who is able to extract the opcode & database.
Teach it to me. I will extract obcodes for you
I highly recommand you to NOT do it yourself. KTera use Xigncode to protect the game (other region doesn't use that). You will have a hard time to manage to get opcodes and database.
( some info I found about xigncode:
The basic tutorial for the opcodes are here:
The basic tutorial for the database are here:
I haven't be able to check how xigncode work on this game (doesn't have activated account). But there are high probability that xigncode will detect cheatengine and block it. Xigncode is also know for sending report over the network. I don't know how their are using these data, but there is a chance that if you get detected injecting DLL into the program, you can get ban if they choose to.
Maybe @sb032835 can try to do it or maybe he have more information, as that was him who tell me about xigncode. Or if there are a way that I can get an activated account that I can fuck up, I can try it myself. But anyway, getting opcode & database from KTera will probably be a lot trickier than any other region.
With that, you have all the information that I have.
From some google search: { Use cheat engine with ktera => need to modify something + window tile, then recompile cheat engine. That should be enouth to not be detected by Xigncode.
The dll should not contains MessageBox. And you probably need to activate some option with the injector like remove PE header & hide module }
Still, can't check that without an activated account
Hello. I'm really interesting about this topic. In Japan, TERA is protected by XIGNCODE too. And, no one got opcode until today. Could you try it? If you need, I can provide JTera accounts. Regards,
IF you are ok with this warning:
then I can try. as far as I know, I need a Japan cellphone number to make an account for JTera? And everyone outside japan are IP-Block?
If so, then I will need you to give me an account ( -- )
I can't garant you that I will success, but at least I will try ^^
I think T-tera and J-tera the opcode maybe the same you can try it
Thank you for kind information. I tried with Shinrameter v0.66, couldn't get any result . Maybe, JTERA' opcode differs from TW (or my procedure was wrong).
my settings: resouces\config\window.txt:
resouces\data\servers.txt: // & 216 is JTERA server IP TW [TW] Yulien TW [TW] Elinu
oops,my way was wrong. J-TERA's opcode is same as TW-TERA. Perfectly working :)
@tamanegion How did you use the dps meter on J TERA? K TERA use Xigncode3 too. But it doesn't work. I changed Server IP and used TW opcode. Tell me the exact infos.
@s2021369 I just edit: resouces\config\window.txt resouces\data\servers.txt as u know. And, it was important for me that launch DPS meter before launching TERA.
If impossible, same ver. may possibly have same opcode. TERA ver.Ninja (only KR) has opcode A. ver.Brawler (ex. NA, TW, JP,...)has opcode B. This is a hypothesis.
@tamanegion Thank you for your answer ^^
Good, I succeded to get opcode + database with the JTera client (xigncode3) When you launch the game, xigncode3 need some time. Do what you want in the memory, inject what you want in the game BEFORE xigncode3 finish to initialize and no problem, you get everything
o__O J TERA client also have xigncode3? K TERA too. But it doesn't work on K TERA. Can I know how to use your dps meter on J TERA? Or it works well without anything? I didn't understand "Do what you want in the memory, inject what you want in the game BEFORE xigncode3 finish to initialize"
That should work without anything for JTera (V0.68)
How can you get the opcode + database?
I don't know what step is really mandatory, but here is how I did it:
Another way to have the timed needed to use cheatengine: (METHOD 2)
I used the second method to get the database. And the first method for everything else. I did that 4 time. The first time I get the database The second time I run the search string for "I_TELEPORT" and get the offset The 3 time, I get the function start offset for opcode -> write dll & compile The 4 time => Inject the dll and tada! opcode available
That a stupid way to do it. But that work & not really hard =p
(If you want to make this dps meter work for KTera, someone should follow these step and get the opcode + database) (And for every version of the game, opcode and database must be updated for each game update)
I try method 2 game crash when I open cheat engine,and I can not get datebase
Yes, the game crash. On my computer when I do the method 2, a small window popup to tell me "memory read error, crash" Then I launch cheat engine & get everything
if this window doesn't show up, use method 1, that won't be a problem
yes i have a small window to tell me "Run-time error occurs the game has nothing to do with the program The game has nothing to do with the termination of the program and then start the game"
IE & xigncode windows So the tera window who tell something like "memory read error, crash" doesn't show up for you. just do the method 1 then ^^
how can i send u account for kTERA
I read this sometime:
But someone from Ktera must succeed to get opcode + database. You can check those step with JTera as I know it work for JTera
ok ^^ I will try to get ktera opcode + database
(be carefull, you just send your credential to everyone who follow this project)
@neowutran Thanks~
Done! =D (using only method 1 this time) opcode + database + servers ip everything is here:
I will make a new release today or tomorrow
But I will really need some ppl to maintain different region. I won't be able to maintain EU, NA, TW, JP and KR all by myself
KR support with V0.69 download link in the wiki ShinraMeter work on KTera Skill name displayed as numbers maybe I am Lv54
hum, nop, I forgot to extract some skills from the database x) will fix that later
Thank you very much!!
np =) Can you check if you have issue to display the dps meter on twitch? like here #45 ?
@neowutran me?
You didn't change the default language. Open "resources/config/windows.xml" and change the language to "KR"
(no other language have a support for the ninja class)
oh I will try it!!
run meter second time,windows.xml will appear
It works well!! I want to know last one. How can I reset and restart the dps record?
Yay! =) default hotkeys are here:
What is "Suppr" key..? I can't find it and what is the "clock" button on the log?
@s2021369 we want to choose Brawler or Lancer in ninja version,who's DPS is BETTER we need watch your twitch to see DPS Meter,GOGOGO twitch ONLINE!
Del / Delete keys (humm, I think "suppr" is the french name x) )
@sb032835 We aren't allowed to use the dps meter :) But I can notice the result to you later
Hello =), thanks for the info. In order to make it work on KTera, I need some data (opcodes + database) sb032835 is looking for that too:
I'm downloading KTera, I will probably need some days till the end of the download. IF the KTera version is not too much different from the EU/NA/RU/TW version, that should be working in few days.