neoxygen / neo4j-neoclient

Simple PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API with Multi DB Support
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Getting node by Label with node having multiple labels from Path #12

Closed Mulkave closed 9 years ago

Mulkave commented 9 years ago

This issue might not be specific to Paths but to getNodesByLabel($label)

Consider this code:

// create related nodes
$q = 'CREATE (u:`User`:`Person` {name: {name}, email: {email}})-[:HAS]->(p:`Phone` {code: {code}, number: {number}}) RETURN u';
$params = ['name' => 'Abed Halawi', 'email' => '', 'code' => 123, 'number' => 8612358];
$response = $client->sendCypherQuery($q, $params, null, array('graph'));

// find path
$pathResponse = $client->getPathbetween($start, $end);
$path = $formatter->format($pathResponse);

// get specific nodes
$path->getNodesByLabel('User:Person') // null
current($path->getNodesByLabel('User'))->getLabel(); // User
current($path->getNodesByLabel('Person'))->getLabel(); // User
current($path->getNodesByLabel('Phone'))->getLabel(); // Phone
ikwattro commented 9 years ago


ikwattro commented 9 years ago

Fixed in 2.0