neoxygen / neo4j-neoclient

Simple PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API with Multi DB Support
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Optional match return null and crash on Result class #73

Closed liran89b closed 8 years ago

liran89b commented 8 years ago

Im trying to return from the database nodes that some of them have the match and dome not. because is return null its crash on Result class here :

public function addRelationshipToIdentifier($relationshipId, $identifier) { if (isset($this->identifiers[$identifier])) { foreach ($this->identifiers[$identifier] as $rel) { if ($rel->getId() === $relationshipId) {

    $this->identifiers[$identifier][] = $this->getRelationship($relationshipId);

it can be fix by adding check if $rel is not null. i dont want to do that by myself (because future update) there is a way to fix it ? or update it in next version

ikwattro commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the report, I'll check this and push a fix

ikwattro commented 8 years ago

@liran89b Can you provide the query you are executing ? I have created a test in the branch issue73 containing these assertions, until now I have no errors :

    public function testReportedIssue()
        $query1 = 'MATCH (n:Node {id:1}) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(o) RETURN n,r,o';
        $result = $this->getConnection()->sendCypherQuery($query1)->getResult();
        $this->assertInstanceOf(Node::class, $result->get('n', true));
        $this->assertInstanceOf(Node::class, $result->get('o', true));
        $this->assertInstanceOf(Relationship::class, $result->get('r', true));

        $query2 = 'MATCH (n:Node {id:3}) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(o) RETURN n,r,o';
        $result2 = $this->getConnection()->sendCypherQuery($query2)->getResult();
        $this->assertInstanceOf(Node::class, $result2->get('n', true));
        $this->assertEquals(null, $result2->get('r'));

liran89b commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the replay. the query: MATCH (campaign:Campaign) - [created_for: CREATED_FOR]->(facebookPage:FacebookPage) , campaign- [happens_at: HAPPENS_AT]->(location:Location) WHERE = '765315333518495' OPTIONAL MATCH (facebookAlbum:FacebookAlbum) -[opened_for:OPENED_FOR]- campaign RETURN created_for,happens_at,opened_for,campaign,facebookPage,location, collect (facebookAlbum) AS facebookAlbums LIMIT 25

because that the facebookAlbums return null its crash.

ikwattro commented 8 years ago

@liran89b Thanks, I have pushed a fix and released 3.3.13, please report if it fixes completely your use case.

Cheers! and Happy new year.