nephio-project / nephio

Nephio is a Kubernetes-based automation platform for deploying and managing highly distributed, interconnected workloads such as 5G Network Functions, and the underlying infrastructure on which those workloads depend.
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Support additional auth schemes to allow integration with other git providers #702

Open liamfallon opened 3 months ago

liamfallon commented 3 months ago

Original issue URL: Original issue user: Original issue created at: 2022-05-25T14:25:02Z Original issue last updated at: 2022-12-05T17:28:40Z Original issue body: porch currently only supports basic authentication against git repositories. We need to support additional auth schemes such as ssh keys and GCP service accounts to enable integration with other git providers.

We have a separate issue to support [Cloud Source Repositories] using workload identity.

Original issue comments: Comment user: Comment created at: 2022-07-22T22:12:21Z Comment last updated at: 2022-07-22T22:12:21Z Comment body: FWIW, I use a personal access token with github, and that works using the secret, with the token as the password. Not sure about other git providers.

Comment user: Comment created at: 2022-08-08T21:37:35Z Comment last updated at: 2022-08-08T21:37:35Z Comment body: Adding note from #3440 and closing that as a duplicate:

When using Porch, I can register a repository with basic auth or workload identity. The basic auth can be used with GitHub personal access tokens. However, those tokens are highly priviliged - so much so that for my testing I created a new, separate GitHub user.

Instead, if we can support ssh auth, then I should be able to use a deploy key, which is scoped to an individual repository.

Not a blocker at this time but will be needed as we move towards something that folks could use in prod.

Comment user: Comment created at: 2022-12-05T17:28:39Z Comment last updated at: 2022-12-05T17:28:39Z Comment body: Will this extend to kpt pkg get as well? Wasn't sure if I should open up a separate issue, but the desire is for kpt pkg get "ssh://" to work. I would have expected this to work out of the box, but it seems like there is some special case logic for URIs, and it doesn't currently accept See below: