nerc-project / operations

Issues related to the operation of the NERC OpenShift environment
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Run classes in their own namespaces rather than rhods-notebooks namespace #539

Open DanNiESh opened 2 months ago

DanNiESh commented 2 months ago

When students launched jupyter workbench via data science project in their designated namespace, they got access to all notebook instances within that namespace. This level of access allowed them to view, login and stop others notebooks which was a significant privacy concern. To address this issue, we enabled the rhods-notebooks namespace, and directed students to use the Jupyter tile that belongs to rhods-notebooks namespace. In this way, each student has access exclusively to their individual notebooks. This solution led to classes sharing resources in rhods-notebooks namespace.

However, running different classes in the same namespace causes difficulties in monitoring and billing resources. Quoted from this issue #374: "Billing using our current model relies on measuring usage on a per namespace basis. Given that we can only have one rhods instance installed per cluster, all the rhods namespaces must be shared by all the rhods users. This means that billing becomes complicated with say: multiple classes using the same rhods instance, because we can't trivially separate the usage per class."

Ideally, we would like students to use AI notebooks in their own namespace. As student users, they can only view/edit/delete there own notebooks. As a namespace owner (instructors), they should have access to all notebooks within their namespace.

Milstein commented 2 months ago

We have this documentation on how normally user use their own project namespace to host the Workbench:

joachimweyl commented 2 months ago

@DanNiESh please add an estimate.

DanNiESh commented 2 months ago

We've submitted a request to RHOAI to support this one. I don't have an estimate since it depends on when RHOAI will work on this request. @hpdempsey Can you share the RHOAI Jira board link to track this request?