nerd-chat-test / Puzzle_App_Project

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Class Structure #4

Open PascalTheDog opened 5 years ago

PascalTheDog commented 5 years ago

A structure for the important classes in the app should be decided on early on the development process.

The structure will not be complete at this stage, but it must provide a rough outline of how the classes will fit together as well as any obvious or necessary hierarchies. This structure should be determined in such a way that the relationships between classes are logical and would make sense in its real-world equivalent.

Completing this task should provide a solid foundation for development of the software and create a starting point that is flexible, adaptable and rational.

PascalTheDog commented 5 years ago

@adamatyork , @Mandy-Feeney and I all contributed ideas for the class structure. The results from the discussions have been added to the planning document shared in Google Drive.