nerdishbynature / octokit.swift

A Swift API Client for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
MIT License
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Update URLSession.shared API #48

Closed phatblat closed 8 years ago

phatblat commented 8 years ago

Changed in Xcode 8 beta 2

pietbrauer commented 8 years ago

We are waiting for the Travis update, I guess?

phatblat commented 8 years ago

The RequestKit clone is failing

*** Cloning RequestKit
*** Skipped downloading RequestKit.framework binary due to the error:
    "Maximum number of login attempts exceeded. Please try again later."
phatblat commented 8 years ago

OK, I'm tired and didn't read that correctly. The binary download failed but the clone succeeded.

phatblat commented 8 years ago

RequestKit updated with nerdishbynature/RequestKit#22. Build is green so this PR is ready for review.

pietbrauer commented 8 years ago

Sweet :sparkles: